simple kolam

jasree's picture
About simple kolam : PRINT

Hai Friends!!!! I made this simple kolam today... your views plz.....

Rangoli: simple kolam


Suguna Murugesan's picture

lovely stars n lotus flowers!-suguna murugesan

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...jasree...i admire ur creativity in making this simple star design look so gorgeous with outer freehand extensions...very cute pa...

P.Veni's picture

Simple and sweet,jasree

kalpu..'s picture

oh.. is this is simple kolam?? mmm this s too big for me..!!. very nice and cute colourin... kalpna

Vinci's picture

Lovely kolam. The outer extensions, the lotus fowers are too good.
Looks like you have done it in a hurry.

judelined's picture

I think this is a hurried effort Jayanthi as it is not as neat as your other kolams - the centre stars are shining nicely though..

umaraja's picture

looks neat , i like d way u have exactly placed d lotus btwn d gaps

bsindhuja's picture

Your star kolam is very nice. The lotuses are very cute and neatly drawn.

lakshmiraghu's picture

simpledesign but looks grand

vijaysowmya's picture

very neat and bright star kolam.

veena manigandan's picture

Very nice and simple design.

rajamma_2's picture

simple star kolam, looking great with the beautiful decorations outside.

anirudh's picture

good one....cannot compare to the earlier best ones Smile ....looks like its done on a hurry-burry day Smile