Answer to the quiz along withthe original picture
I was pretty confident that many of you must have seen the original picture of this tree before ,as mentioned by Radhika appeared in one of the news paper “dinamalar” or somewhere else .I have modified a bit in my pencil drawing.
Nitya very interesting, u can see the faces which I have deliberately not included in my drawing from the original one to make it more tricky (the original picture had 10 faces). HATS OFF TO YOU. (bahooth accha copy car lethe ho .Kabi parixame pakde nahi gaye kya?......Don’t take it personally just joking . I was expecting this answer from many more people. Few members could see Indira Gandhi. Can u please let me know where (which position) u could see her? This is only for my knowledge .As each individual can visualize the picture in different way.
Rao sir was the first one to see faces in this tree though he could see only six faces he could lead the clue to others hence congratulation. Actually this tree contains 7 famous faces. Congratulation for those who could see 7 faces. The right answer is
On Left:
Mahatma Gandhiji , Lokmanya Bal Ganghdar Tilak ,Pandit Nehruji
On Right:
Abdul Gaffar Khan, Subash Chandra Bose, Saheed Bhagat Singh, Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
The closest correct answer is of Suguna (as she could guess six out of the seven faces). Lata can we declare her has a winner? Or u want to declare Nithya as a winner (except that extra three faces, she is almost right) The best answer prize will definitely go to our Rajjam (if this quiz appeared in IAS exam then Rajamma’s answer would score 10 out of 10).
Thank you all the members for actively participating in this quiz. Sorry, if my comments hurt u .Request to take it lightly (it’s just a part of a joke).

Suguna Murugesan
Tue, 2011-02-22 00:56
wow congratulations nithya!!!! -suguna murugesan
Tue, 2011-02-22 01:55
sorry rekha mam, since i had problems in my net connection i couldnt log in through the computer for the past 3 days, i commented only through my mbl, i coudnt get a clear view of this pic in my mbl, thats y i was unable to take part in d guess contest, i didnt expect such a fast result for d contest, ha ha ha, congrats winners, hope i would bang in ur next guess game
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Tue, 2011-02-22 02:17
Dear uma infact i wanted u people to try again and waited for one more day to declare the result but then i thought this game should not become boring for some and hence declare the result. Don’t worry i will bring one more interesting quiz once i will be little free. I observed that the enthusiasm in members participate in quiz has come down (as compare to egg picture) .To motivate it is better to give some big gap. What u says?
Tue, 2011-02-22 06:37
gap ---------------mmm no no no rekha mam, keep us recharged and energetic always,,,
Tue, 2011-02-22 12:18
Dead winter, dead trees, dead people, cold and snowy -
When will spring arrive?
That nascent spring with leafy trees, colourful flowers,
warm days and happy nights
Dreaming still ....
Regards! - mOhana
Tue, 2011-02-22 17:57
We think whoever got the maximum numbers of names correct is the winner. I'm not keeping track of who it is, and also since you initiated this riddle/puzzle, you get to decide who the winner is. :0
I had fun guessing, and It was an interesting one, thank you.
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Tue, 2011-02-22 19:51
Lata, In that case Nithya and suguna are cear winners but according to me all those who have guessed 7 faces are also a winners. Congratulation to lata, laxmi, vijaya, vinci ,puspa ,pragaya and radhika .Hope u enjoyed this quiz .Special winners of this game is Rajjamma and Mr.Rao. Consulation prize will go to Ammu and uma for actively participating in this quiz .
Yes, Rao sir u r right. Enough of dead trees, dead winter, , dead people, cold and snowy -
Very soon nascent spring with leafy trees, colourful flowers,warm days and happy nights will reach u .
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Tue, 2011-02-22 20:47
Congratulaation suguna for sincere attempt and Nitya for ur sincere hard work
Wed, 2011-02-23 19:34
wow...quite interesting quiz rehka ma'm....will surely make for next one.
Suguna Murugesan
Thu, 2011-02-24 10:18
thanq mam...actually nithya is a winner ..suguna murugesan
Sat, 2011-02-26 22:18
Dr Rekha,
This quiz was really interesting. I have seen this picture before. There are five in left and five in right side. Apart from the list of names given by you (you have given only 7 names), we can see Rajiv Gandhi at the left side bottom and Indira Gandhi at the right side bottom.
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Sun, 2011-02-27 21:53
Yes Mahalaxmi u are referring to the above picture which is the original one with 10 faces , but for the quiz i have modified slightly and done the simple pencil painting with only 7 faces (pl. refer the quiz page).Hope this will justify ur query