lakshmiraghu's picture

Hi Friends HAPPY VASANTHA PANCHAMI ...(8/2/2011)

Vasant Panchami festival falls on Panchami or 5th day of the Sukhla Paksh (Waxing moon) towards the close of winter in the month of Jan-Feb and marks the first day of spring or vasant ruthu (season) All get up in the early morning, take bath and worship the sun, Mother Ganga and the earth. all wear yellow clothes on this day. The yellow colour is a sign of auspiciousness and spirituality. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. some people call this festival Saraswathi Puja. They worship the Goddess Saraswathi on this day.
This is a dotted rangoli, dotts:-15X15 straight dots.



Lata's picture

A gorgeous looking mat welcoming spring! Smile

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow .....no words to say!!! super!!!!!-suguna murugesan

Vinci's picture

Lakshmi, Fantastic work. The outer leafy pattern created by buds tells the degree of patience you have, of-course I know it earlier. I admire your talent, Passion towards kolam, Especially your patience, Hats off to you Lakshmi and Wish to have a glimpse of your kolam in person, Hope that happens soon Smile

Sarasp's picture

Thanks n wish you the same Lakshmi Smile What a beautiful looking carpet Smile have no words to describe the beauty of this :):)
Amazing work !

ammuchandhini's picture

I am lost for words laksh dear....this is so beautiful ....wow...what a creative mind u have man.....so happy for u dear....

P.Veni's picture

Wow!!!!!!! What a creation!!Looks like a velvet carpet.No words...Lakshmi

alameluranganath's picture

lakshmi no words to congratulate you dear. how did u do such intricate designs with color combination. superb. may god give you more strength to create such wonderful excellent marvelous things in future also. superb u should have gone for chennai that kolam meet and got first if u have put this design.

rojababu's picture

lovely carpet!!!!super!!!!!

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow....another fabulous creation from you Lakshmi with lovely designs and a very beautiful yellow to welcome spring...the borders show how much patience you have in doing such creations.

bharathibhaskar's picture

chaalaa baagaa vachindi lakshmi.vasantha Ruthuvuni chennai mahaanagaramulo choopinchesaru.meeku hridayapoorvaka subhaakaankshalu.

chandy's picture

What can one say!!! All your carpets are museum pieces. Should be displayed forever for all people to see and enjoy to their hearts fill! Even if the central flowers have been randomly coloured they have such such beauty. Are they matchsticks in the border? Tendulkar of Kolams!

kameswari's picture

Wonderful creation Lakshmi Mam. No words to describe the beauty of the carpet rangoli. Hats off to your patience.

Chethan Srinivasan's picture

Superb work mam.. In loss of words to descibe its beauty.. Hats off to your patience and skill ..

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Laxmi maam shastanga namaskara .What a great carpet is this! Lovely, so neat so clean .Maam i would have preserved this magical carpet for lifelong .U must be crying like me when u remove this rangoli to make new one am i right?
Happy vasantha panchmi to u and ur family members

judelined's picture

Normally as kids we used to say yellow yellow dirty fellow - but now I am changing that saying to - yellow yellow beauty fellow. Laks I can't say anything else now..

mkumarim's picture

marvellous creation. this is my first comment after my joining this group. it is really awesome. may god give you more patience and skills to create more wonders in carpet rangoli.

bsindhuja's picture

I am amazed at such a magnificient piece of art work!! Equally astonished at your patience!! Happy Vasant Panchami to you too.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rekha avare.".shastanga namaskara" ....na neevu dhodavaru ashirvada madabeku heheh...(You only have to bless me)
hi friends heart full of thanks for your encouragement comments...judy good saying.thank you friends.

jasree's picture

Another amazing visual treat from you Lakshmi...I think ikolam shall recommend your name for Guinness Record....very eye-catching & marvelous work...no more words to say.....

srichak's picture

Wow! amazing. Have no words to express my feelings. Happy vasantha panchami to u and your family .
- Sridevi

viji_j86's picture

Lakshmi i stunnd!!!!!!!!
What a creation dear.
what a dedication.
Fentastic dear.

jkmrao's picture

Great work of art! But the colouring does not seem to follow any pattern.

Regards! - mOhana

Radhikha 3's picture

Neat and excellent carpet work done by you Lakshmi Mam . hatts off to you.......

jkmrao's picture

Is this beauty the one you drew while our rEkhAjI was trying to solve the problem? Smile

Regards! - mOhana

lakshmiraghu's picture

heheh Yes mOhanaji...

rajamma_2's picture

Laks,when I requested you to shift from white netted rangolis and show your ability in doing color play, I never thought you will drown us with such fantastic color carpets.Hats off to your imagination, patience and what not? Feeling very Happy to see this Manjal carpet on this lovely floor.remembering the good time we had on 25 th January.

smahalakshmi's picture

Lakshmi mam, What a beautiful creation is this? Looks so marvellous.


Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Lakshmiji the more i go to this page more i enjoy the beauty..As i said earlier(red carpet page) in Mumbai there is a news(headline news) that u got notice from Mrs .Aishwarya Rai Bachhan for inviting me and ignoring her for the red carpet catwalk .This time better u invite her for this yellow carpet catwalk .

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rekha avare( JI )....heheh pl.. introduce me to her....when she visits my city i will invite her to walk on this carpet.....

jayamohan's picture

Wow, the colorful dancing flowers on the yellow saree of mother earth, welcoming spring season is apt for the day!
Lakshmi, don't forget to invite me for the cat walking ceremony of Ishu/Rekha!

lakshmiraghu's picture

jayaji without you...how can???hehe

bharathibhaskar's picture

ur rangoli has come out well.u brought da spring season in metro city like chennai which is impossible.congratulations to u.translation of my telugu comment.

umaraja's picture

a MIRACULOUS RANGOLI LAKS, literal wrds r nt enough to admire ur talents,

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Laxmiji, aaithu(done).I bet that if she sees ur yellow carpet then she will leave her all the projects and come running to u to request u to invite her for cat walk

rajapriyaks's picture

Laskhmi mam,,such a beauty,,really no words to express!!!

veena manigandan's picture

Beautiful and stunning- unable to take eyes off.Fantastic work especially the finger spread designs. Hats off to your patience and talent.

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Laxmi maam tell me in ears is it really a rangoli or Kashmiri carpet don't worry i won’t tell anybody .The outer borders are so minutely done(it looks like cilia on the mucosal membrane),i keep on thinking is it possible to do with rangoli powder? pl. give me the trick how to fool ammuji and others(as they are extraordinarily smart fooling them is not easy).
Congrats laxmiji, today i saw the comments made by other members on Sunday. They had bet that u will do the rangoli before I could guess the right answer and indeed! u did it . So u r the sinkander not me.

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

sorry not cilia ,villi of mucosal membrane

Anisha Raghunath's picture

wow very beautiful yellow carpet with very nice border.......

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rekha...it is a rangoli only..heheh....whenever i meet you in person i will tell you heheheh...pl..feel free to call me Lakshmi no mam pl..No one can fool Miranda Rani (ammu) hahahha..but i will tell you later don't worry.heheh...hi friends many many thanks for your encouraging comments....

sudhamani.ks's picture

Madam, there is a saying "Little things means many".Yes , in your rathna kambali carpet ,each and every minute work rendering YOUR unbeatable energy and your greatness in your heart. HATS OFF to your great effort.

vasanthidlr's picture

hi laxmi,..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................infinity .may gods blessings be showered on u for azhazhu janmaththirkku.

Sumathi.v's picture

Superb work especially the green leaves around the flowers

subashini's picture

lovely work lakshmi.Impossible to guess it was work with rangoli powder.Hats off to your patience too lakshmi.