Mattu Pongal Kolam

Agilas's picture
About Mattu Pongal Kolam : PRINT

Hi i tried this on mattu kolam, actually i was struggling to finish the kolam cause i dont know the exact dots of the kolam. if any one know this kolam please share the dots so that i will try next time.

Rangoli: Mattu Pongal Kolam


ammuchandhini's picture

This has come out so neatly...nice choice of cols and evenly spread....

Suguna Murugesan's picture

lovely maattu pongal kolam!-suguna murugesan

jayamohan's picture

Good attempt! The green cows look like human face if seen from the other side!

bsindhuja's picture

Good rangoli.

Pragaya's picture

Nice rangoli. Good spread of colours.

judelined's picture

A very colourful maatu pongal kolam this is

Vinci's picture

Beautiful kolam Smile

veena manigandan's picture

Nice kolam. Neat colouring and colourful pongal pot looks beautiful.

malar anand's picture


umaraja's picture

neatly executed, d outcome looks perfect

dibbutn's picture

Oh lovely pongal kolam with the cows and sugarcane... and good coloring

anirudh's picture

nice one....yes the especially the green ones looks like human face -- without eyebrows...but a big cheek, small dot nose and mouth Smile

sreegiri's picture

beautiful kolam.

vijaysowmya's picture

Nice maatu pongal kolam with very nice pongal pots and sugarcanes.

lakshmiraghu's picture

lovely pongal kolam

rajamma_2's picture

Nice rangoli. Yes Jaya , u r right.

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice kolam.

modhu111177's picture

18-18 parallel dots

modhu111177's picture

I saw the same kolam with 18-18 parallel dots. its really nice.......