Happy Pongal

rajamma_2's picture
About Happy Pongal : PRINT

This is my favourite chikku kolam. Today being a busy day I could only put this with little coloring. Hope you all had a nice Shankranthi and enjoyed with your near and dear ones. Thank you all for your nice wishes.

Rangoli: Happy Pongal


smahalakshmi's picture

Very beautifully done Rajamma mam. Though it has been partially coloured, that itself is a beauty to your kolam


ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...such a cute looking dotted kolam rajamma mam...d outer border designs r gorgeous...

Anisha Raghunath's picture

pretty sikku kolam with very nice outer border......

judelined's picture

Very pretty colours red, green and white - lifts the entire kolam to a different level. The border on top also looks so very cute - wish I could see it closer..

vijaysowmya's picture

A very very beautiful chikku kolam with a lovely color combination of red and green.....

veena manigandan's picture

Very nice bright chikku kolam. Looks beautiful.

P.Veni's picture

Very bright and attractive,mam

jasree's picture

Rajamma Mam!!!! Very nice sikku kolam. The green n red partial colouring of this kolam is very cute....

brindhanagesh's picture

very pretty kolam, Rajammaji. Is smiling with red and green colours.

dibbutn's picture

What a beauty!!!! Rajamma maam ur makeup to this kolam is superb and enhances the already pretty kolam... I love ur thin strokes... today so many thin stroke kolams, i envy all of u

lakshmiraghu's picture

your simple and sweet makeup looks very very nice...beautiful colours and strokes.......

Vinci's picture

Pretty kolam. The green color in between the red creates a mesmerising effect. Loved your creation Smile

sreegiri's picture

very nice kolam.

Suguna Murugesan's picture

super!!!!!!!!!!suguna murugesan

Pragaya's picture

Very attractive chikku kolam. Beautiful colouring.

kameswari's picture

Neat and beautiful Rajamma Mam. Green and Kavi colour adds beauty to the kolam.

p_malathi's picture

very very pretty..a perfetc one.

nikilarajaram's picture

amazingly accurate

Radhikha 3's picture

very nice colouring idea mam.