Sankranthi muggu

p_malathi's picture
About Sankranthi muggu : PRINT

I made this in our aprtment premises for this Sankranthi. It was a big one and i could not capture it in my camera perfectly. So we cannot see the perfect circle in the photo.

Rangoli: Sankranthi muggu


vijaysowmya's picture

Is this your bigger version of sankranti lakshmi kolam? Looks very big and beautiful....It could have been better if you have colored the sugarcanes with violet and the pots with yellow...

jasree's picture

Nice Rangoli with sugarcane, Pongal panai & peacock, Very neat excecution.....

Radhikha 3's picture

Nice kolam I too have the same doubt (whether it is bigger version of shankranti ) but idea of placements of design is nice.

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow....such a huge colourful rangoli...done very neatly....

umaraja's picture

novel idea of interchanging colors for pot and canes, pink pongals also look pleasing, divine look

judelined's picture

Nice to see the Lakshmi kolam in a different place and dimension, Good thought of combining pongal pots, sugargane and peacocks - but I think the sugarcane should have been coloured purple and the pongal maybe a lighter yellow?? Just my opinion though

lakshmiraghu's picture

oh!!!!! beautiful design nice coloring lovely presentation

veena manigandan's picture

Very nice. Beautiful colouring and good work.

smahalakshmi's picture

Very beautiful. Sankaranthi Lakshmi design has been captured perfectly. Peacocks are looking lovely. Nice Colour combo.


Vinci's picture

Lovely Presentation. The Goddess face looks divine. Neat and good coloring.

p_malathi's picture

Thank you all for your encouraging comments.
Yes, this is the bigger bersion of Sankranthi Lakshmi i made at my flat.
We do get sugarcanes here in AP in yellow (some times greenish yellow). That is why i usually draw them in yellow colour. And yes ofcourse the pongal should be in white/yellow. But i thougt of trying pink to make it more colourful.

Regards, Malathi