Movable Rangoli

viji_j86's picture


Lata's picture

This is so colorful, bright and beautiful, and not to mention comes with the added functionality of portability! How convenient!

brintha's picture

Viji, very nice movable rangoli

rajamma_2's picture

Viji very nice.which board you have used, can glass paint stay in that.Ti looks as though some designer paper ispasted. Nice new idea.

indira sundar's picture

nice looking rangoli...

lakshmiraghu's picture

Viji madam it is fantastic.that golden leafs also nicely arranged.keep it up madam.

viji_j86's picture

Thankyou friends for the Fb
Dear rajamma
It is done ona surface called sahashiboard.
Silver foil is pasted on the board. Glass solvent colour is used to fill the rangoli. 3d outlinr is used to put the outline.
The centre place can be used to paste photo of our children, Gods photo or flower or natural senerios and can hang like photoFramme.
Even decorate with kundanstones and various ideas can be applied.
This is a multipurpose Rangoli.Since i used Rangolidesign outline, i posted this mural here at ikolam.

madhuharini's picture

very very nice viji.thank u for sharing.

jayasreesrikar's picture

too good, you are very creative jayasree