Painting on dry Ashwata leaf

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture
About Painting on dry Ashwata leaf : PRINT

Once upon a time when I was a school student there was craze of painting on the dry Ashwata leaf. I found few of them. This is probably the first painting on the leaf.

Rangoli: Painting on dry Ashwata leaf


smahalakshmi's picture

Very pretty. Lovely painting work done by you on this small leaf. i liked it.


Vinci's picture

Lovely work Rekha. The colors and the shading work are too cute. Well etched Facial features with expressive eyes. Lovely school days Smile

umaraja's picture

fantastic rekha. hope u enjoyed ur talents in each and every age of urs

dibbutn's picture

Rekha maam this is awesome work... to do such a beautiful pattern on a small surface itself shows how talented u r... very well done

vijaysowmya's picture

This is really an amazing work...given the texture and the size of the leaf it is very difficult to execute a pretty one like this....

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lovely painting work Rekhaji,

kameswari's picture

Bahut sundar hai. Rekhaji.

jkmrao's picture

This is really a novel idea and the painting too is pretty.

kRshNA says that among the trees, he is the aSvatta. I am glad you chose it as a medium for painting. aSvatta is supposed to be an embodiment of trimUrti as in this SlOka -

mUlatO brahma rUpAya - like brahma at the roots
madhyatO vishNurUpiNE - like vishNu in the middle
agrata@h SivarUpAya - like Siva at the top
vRksharAjAya tE nama@h - king aming the trees, I bow to thee!

Regards! - mOhana

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Thank you all the friends’ .Specially thank you to Mr. Rao for explaining the importance of ashvatta tree. First time i got the detailed information like this .Thank you for your encouraging comment sir

Radhikha 3's picture

Fantastic work Rekha Mam and after seeing this i remember that I too have the same dried aswata leaf without painting it . The painted one I had during my school days now I lost it some where .

lakshmiganapathiraman's picture

Very nice art. This must have taken lot of time. You woudnt waste a moment of ur time i suppose,kudos mam