Kolam for Boghi

Indubabu's picture
About Kolam for Boghi : PRINT

Wish you all a very happy PONGAL. This kolam was drawn by my mother for Boghi Pandigai. Your comments please.

Rangoli: Kolam for Boghi


admin's picture

Your mom has done a fabulous job with these flowers and lines! Happy Pongal to you and your family. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...indu ma'm...thanks for sharing such a lovely kolam made by ur mom...even those sikku kolams r so lovely...waiting eagerly to see ur mom's contest kolam...sure she will be one among d best with such awesome strokes.....convey my hearty wishes to her and wish u too a happy pongal....

Indubabu's picture

Thank you, Rani ma'm and all others for the encouraging comments. My mother (73 years "young") has a passion for kolams and is overwhelmed by all the comments by ikolamites. Her entry for the contest has been submitted by my SIS and awaiting all your comments and votes. Her username is "BharathiKRaman". Also looking forward to seeing all your entries in the contest. All the best to all of you - Indu

veena manigandan's picture

Big grand kolam. Nice work. Chikku kolam are also very nice.

rajamma_2's picture

lovely dotted kolam, nice design, neat drawing,. Convey our wishes to your dear mother.

brindhanagesh's picture

Very well made.
It looks very similar to my very first submission in Ikolam

sjnt's picture

Looks like printed. Good kolam.

lakshmiraghu's picture

lovely kolam, good design, neat drawing.waiiitng to see more from you

vijaysowmya's picture

A very big kolam done neatly with bold strokes and the small kolams are also cute...

Pragaya's picture

Excellent kolam with elegant bordering.

Vinci's picture

Thanks for sharing your mother's work with us.
Indeed her passion for kolams is well seen in the above picuture. A Big Main kolam decorated with chikku kolams on corners, I think the other two on the bottom and for the final touch with a long border chikku strand.
Convey my wishes to her.

judelined's picture

Brindha thanks for the hint - wnen I saw this kolam I was wondering why it looked so familiar.. WOW - will I be in a position to put such wonderful kolams at the age of 73?? Excellent work by your mom Indu - hats off to her passion. I would love to have a closer look at those chikku kolams on top..

Indubabu's picture

Thanks for your comments and appreciation. We all also wonder how she manages such lovely creations at this age. I do have a picture of it with all the 4 chikku kolams around. But I am not sure if it is ok to upload it again, since the main kolam is the same. Please advise. Thanks, - Indu

jayamohan's picture

On seeing this pretty and neat creation your mother's enthusiasm spreads to us also!

dibbutn's picture

What a beautiful kolam from ur young mother... very beautiful strokes and neatly done, give my special regards to her dear

sreegiri's picture

beautiful kolam.

anirudh's picture

wonderful...very neatly done.

anirudh's picture

btw, please give us a closer look of the sikku kolams in the corners Smile

Padma Prakash's picture

Very neat and beautiful kolams. Very neat presentation to. Convey our regards to your young mother. Lets all get inspired by her enthu. You can always give a closer look of the four corner sikku kolams. you crop(remove) the main kolam and attach only the corner sikku kolams. Four different kolams may be made as a collage.

Padma Prakash's picture

Kindly mention the dot counts so that it is useful for us to copy the kolam.

Indubabu's picture

The dot count is 25 x 13 (inbetween dots). Thank you for the advise, Padma ma'm. I will try to crop and send the corner kolams. - Indu

Sarasp's picture

Beautifully drawn and the strokes look so bold n crisp (I know at this age). "Hats off". Waiting to c more creations fm her side Smile Is that a border on the left hand side just beneath the small chikku kolam ?

umaraja's picture

happy pongal indhu, my spl wishes and thanks for ur young and energetic mom for her superb pongal visual treat

smahalakshmi's picture

Nice podi kolam with Kaavi outline.


kameswari's picture

Neat and pretty kolam.

BharathiKRaman's picture

Thank you all for the comments and appreciations. !!! Will try to send the four cormer sikku kolams. Infact, this is the kolam which got selected for the times of india kolam competition prelimnary is on this sunday 23rd.

Indubabu's picture

Amma, All the best for the Times of India kolam competition tomorrow. - Indu

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...thanks for reminding indu mam...Bharathy amma all d very best for d TOI contest...pl share with us d kolam which u do t'row....