Flowers - Hibiscus

Devaki's picture


vidhu7a's picture

ill be happy to try is kolam, can u let me know how to draw dots for the same..

ap_square's picture

Dots for this kolam: 13 - 7 interlaced.

manjula_m's picture

hi could you give me the details of the dots plz.......its very good

Kavitha Natarajan's picture

please draw one flower for me it will be very nice of you

nlakshmi's picture

hi....the flower is looking very good, can u pls tel me the no. of dots...

bindhunayarath's picture

the flowers are good and the colour combo selection is very wud b helpful if u give the details of the dots.


Lata's picture

Hi Bindhu,

The dot details as provided by ap_square are:
13 - 7 interlaced.

priya1408's picture

Thanks for all your comments. It is 13 to 7 Interlaced.