They danced!
About They danced! : PRINT
They danced around the dark Lord on the full moon of hOli.
Regards! - mOhana

They danced around the dark Lord on the full moon of hOli.
Regards! - mOhana
Tue, 2009-03-10 23:50
Naacchnevaale , nachaanevaala all enjoyed the DANCE!.
Wed, 2009-03-11 10:01
Sir, please give us a hand here
Mani and I are trying to figure out if we understand this right.
The blue picture with the black dot in the center; is the black dot a representation of the Lord, and the circle around it, the devotees?
Wed, 2009-03-11 10:29
namastE /\
The black dot does represent the dark Lord. The blue background represents the
The foot was
infinite nature of the Lord's glowing halo like that of the full moon.
The feet represent the dancing devotees. Now the secret
actually made with water on glass and photographed against a green background.
This and its vertical mirror image created the two feet. Its negative was taken
as the footprints of the devotees. The black dot and the blue halo is the negative
of a lamp! I gave a black background to represent the night (ignorance) and
the moon (Lord) as the glow. In the holi tradition, Krishna is supposed to
dance with the gOpis. The arrival of holi coincides with the spring in the Indian
tradition. Actually, according to some, spring is the LAST season in the Indian
year and summer is the FIRST. That is why, kAlidAsa starts his RtusaMhAra with
grIshma and ends with vasaMta.
Regards! - mOhana
Thu, 2009-03-12 22:40
Super JKM....
you know what i did??? i just sat before my computer and kept staring at the image on my right... suddenly it emerged like a 3D illusion image to me and each circle of moons were in different levels - it was really amazing...
try it out everyone... just keep staring at the centre of the right image and continue staring forgetting everything around you.. (dont know if you guys remember the 3d illusion images that used to come in anandha vikadan years ago)..... tell me what you find thereafter....
Thu, 2009-03-12 23:32
Judy u r correct!
Sat, 2009-03-21 06:32
Yes Judy,
Only today I concentrated on it!
When I stared at the right figure, it expanded into 5,4,3,2 instead of 4,3,2,1 and the center circle with surrounding four came up to a different level! Amazing!