krishna painting

Radhikha 3's picture
About krishna painting : PRINT

This krishna painting done mainly to gift my Grandpa for His Birthday before one year. I would like to share it with every one

Rangoli: krishna painting


vijaysowmya's picture

Wow... a very cute and pretty aalilai krishnan....

kameswari's picture

Beautiful vatapathrashayi Radhikaji. Wonderful creation.

dibbutn's picture

Oh so cute this is, I am sure ur grandpa must have been delighted... what is the medium u have used here???

Radhikha 3's picture

Thank you mam , I have used fabric colours ,metallic colours for jewels and leaf is made of hand made paper above that I have stuck painting done on paper.

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow!!cute kridhna looks very very nice

viji_j86's picture

very pretty.
since i had seen it in person, my suggestion is that you must upload the full painting, i mean the allilai also.
You had given a very good stroke for the leaves in that painting. That is not visible over here.
The Krishna looks very cute. I found my mamas(Your grandfathers) way of painting as it is here.
Keep posting kanna.

subashini's picture

cute and beautiful painting.

smahalakshmi's picture

Very beautiful painting.


Vinci's picture

Cute Krishnan..

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

very very nice, cute Krishna. This reminds me of my embroidery bala Krishna which i have done long ago probably in 1994 .Except that i could get everything during the renovation of my home. I am feeling very bad because i am really doubtful whether i can make the replica of the same .Everyone who had seen that had appreciated it a lot. Particularly the hair and the rearmaments .Till yesterday i had some hope to get it .Now i lost my hope .probably we have discarded it with my other things .