Margazhi kolam-7

vijaysowmya's picture


Anisha Raghunath's picture

very beautiful....

dibbutn's picture

Great Sowmi, i loved the way the colors are merged and the way it gives an illusionary effect here... great dear

admin's picture

Awesome rangoli and great colors Sowmya! Such an even spread, and something different from you. Great. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Beautiful rangoli sowmya with really done with very new choices of cols and till now u r not revealing d secret for d even spread of cols na...too bad...hahah

brindhanagesh's picture

Common kolam looking new with its lovely colour combination and the way you joined the design. Looking very neat, beautiful and mesmerising.

rajamma_2's picture

Sowmya, fantstic. I am really admiring the color symmetry. Simple design, but good coloring gives a 3d effect.
Very neat drawing and excellent spread of colors.It is looking great without the use of white lines.

jasree's picture

Very nice and different. The way of colouring is too good...

anirudh's picture

very nice geometric interlaced stars...looks like those of foam board puzzle designs we get for kids to assemble. nicely colored

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow!! Sowmya, fantstic.....Very nice and different.. and great colors

jkmrao's picture

Good symmetry and nice presentation!

Regards! - mOhana

jayamohan's picture

Wow, so evenly spread colors on a perfect and symmetrical design! This doesn't seem to be your first attempt! Keep it up!

prathakarnik's picture

would prefer it with dots so as to use such beautiful design

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice kolam, sowmya mam. the colours are evenly spread. Looks very beautiful.


Vinci's picture

Awesome Work Sowmya.. Good choice and neat spreading of colors. Looks Great.

indu.rkc's picture

good shading

Pragaya's picture

Geometric kolam. Nice spread of colours.

kameswari's picture

Nice geometric design with perfect symmetry and nice colouring.