Simple Sikku kolam

malar anand's picture


vijaysowmya's picture

Simple one made to look like a grand kolam with beautiful outer designs...I think you have missed out one set of beaks on the top right...

ammuchandhini's picture

Yes malar....well known kolam but ur outer designs make this new...belated birthday wishes to u Ishaan.....haiyya...keep guessing how i knew it...hahaha

P.Veni's picture

Simple and cute,malar

alameluranganath's picture

very nice kolam and on the top right u forgot to put the nose like you have put in all the three sides very nice. very perfect strokes. very very beautiful

brindhanagesh's picture

Well known kolam is made attractive with your lovely outer border designs, Malar:)

veena manigandan's picture

Very nice. Outer design is simply superb.

Pragaya's picture

Nice kolam. Imaginative extensions on the sides add beauty to the kolam.

indira sundar's picture

Belated Birthday wishes to Ishaan...Malar very beautiful kolam..-Indira Sundar

subashini's picture

your well known kolam is very beautiful because of your outer border.

kameswari's picture

Well known kolam with extensions is too good Mam.

dibbutn's picture

Malar maam though this is a well known kolam, the way you have done the extensions makes this look like a new kolam... very neatly done and love your thin strokes

umaraja's picture

soooooo sharp, neat and slender malar

Anisha Raghunath's picture


lakshmiraghu's picture

simple but looks different!!nice strokes...and extra makeup....

mahimasharma's picture

outer design is so pretty and it has given a new look to old kolam....

Vinci's picture

A new outlook to the well known kolam and the birdies look cute:) Well done with neat strokes.

nithyaashok's picture

Amazing sikku kolam with free hand design

Padma Prakash's picture

Simple but looks grand due to the extensions. I think you like peacocks/birds very much. At right top you have forgotten to write birdy design.

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice kolam. THough it is a well known kolam, you have made the extensions in a nice way, which looks like a new one.


rajamma_2's picture

Malar, ur famous 9-1 kolam is dancing with a frilled frock!

anirudh's picture

nice decorations