Sights and sounds of Fall

Fall foliage in our neighborhood.
You can see them, you can smell them, and you can feel them when you walk on them! Crunch, crunch, crunch! Smile

Sights and sounds of Fall - crunch1.jpgSights and sounds of Fall - crunch2.jpgSights and sounds of Fall - crunch3.jpg
vijaysowmya's picture

superb photos....these fall colors look so beautiful ....truly we can see, smell and feel them...

ammuchandhini's picture seems like heaven to me...but one thing for we r not able to tolerate even 28degrees of room temp....that itself is so cold...

lakshmiraghu's picture

lovely ..lovely...very nice picture...

jkmrao's picture

Brings back to memory the song pachai niramE from the movie alai pAyudE Smile

Regards! - mOhana

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Superb! Superb! Superb photography .Love to see again and again .Do they use this dry leaves for composting?

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Superb! Superb! Superb photography .Love to see again and again .Do they use this dry leaves for composting?

judelined's picture

What different colours!!! How much more beautiful can nature be???

Vinci's picture

A relaxing walk on the pavement would be a wonderful experience to enjoy this sight and smell
of Nature Smile

brindhanagesh's picture

lovely colours.

kameswari's picture

Wonderful photography. All pictures are too good.