Yellow, red and blue rangoli

rajamma_2's picture
About Yellow, red and blue rangoli : PRINT

I tried to put this rangoli with out drawing white outline anywhere, how is it?

Rangoli: Yellow, red and blue rangoli


Lata's picture

Sahana: "Grandma!! What rich colors you have!"
Grandma: "The better to dazzle you with, my dear" Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rammaji, Red is bold .. Blue is creativity , next Rammaji both suits you.

sundarmaya's picture

its wonderful actually the colours do complement each other very well. but what are those scribblings in the background? did you do this on paper?

Sumathi.v's picture

Looks different like a carpet

indira sundar's picture

Mam it is looking so cute!

rajamma_2's picture

Lata, Lakshmi,Sundermaya, Sumathi and Indira, thanks for the nice comments.It was done on a tile. the drawings outside belong to the earlier works.

jkmrao's picture

Great work! Everybody seems to like the hexagonal symmetry in rangOlis.
Regards! - mOhana