
viji_j86's picture
About E.Kolam : PRINT

Again here my E.Kolam.
Here i had done cross variation called woven cross stitch.
It does looks like a kutty kolam no?

Rangoli: E.Kolam


dibbutn's picture

Viji maam cute cross stitch pattern

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Maam please demonstrate this stitch. Indeed this stitch looks very nice. The embroidery kolam is excellent. I used t do lots of embroidering during my vacations .which i have gifted to my friend one in which i have done the Bala- Krishna was very pretty and his ornaments liked by each one who has seen that i seriously wanted to upload but unfortunately as my house renovation is going on i could not find it .I am really feeling very bad because only one embroidery work i kept with me .Anyway i will try to search

Lata's picture

Lovely embroidery work in blue and red. I'm wondering about the different varieties of stitches you've made so far. And many more to learn perhaps? Smile

subashini's picture

yes viji .your real embroidery kolam is so cute.

vijaysowmya's picture

pretty design...looks like a kolam too...

smahalakshmi's picture

Viji mam, your embroidery work really looks like a kolam design. May be that's why u named it e-kolam (embroidery kolam).


viji_j86's picture

Thankyou friends
I name it E.kolam and all are you agreed it.
I am very happy.

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely e kolam viji mam in contrast cols too...

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lovely embroidery work ..nice colours.........

umaraja's picture

hai viji, u rok in each and every craft wk i hope. fantastic

Radhikha 3's picture

Vijima super O super romba nalla irruku .

Vinci's picture

Your E kolam looks Fantastic Maam..