Inspiration Kolam
About Inspiration Kolam : PRINT
I too was inspired by the work of Rajamma Madam's rangoli, hence have done it
with more lines ... ( I do not have place for small rangolis , hence made it big )
The orginal rangoli of Rajamma Madam can be viewed under this link.
Rajamma Madam ... Standing on bench ....Pl excuse I will keep robbing...swearing in
front of my god...

Mon, 2009-02-23 20:43
Oh! Lakshmi, thanks for robbing..... no it is not robbing, but honouring. What we admire more only we will try to copy. So i am really feeling very happy that a kolamspecialist like you drawing my design is hohouring me. Your spl.alankaarams to the kolam really gived added beauty to this.
Tue, 2009-02-24 06:30
Rajammaji,my age is not = ur experince,iam only good in copying!!! defenitly i take lot of inspirations from u which makes me to do.thank u once again