
Padma Prakash's picture
About Wet-Mavu-Kolam-6 : PRINT

As it was raining heavily I prepared small wet mavu kolam for diwali and coloured it. The image is captured by mobile of low resolution. Good or bad I would like to share with you all.

Rangoli: Wet-Mavu-Kolam-6


Lata's picture

Pretty work, Padma. Since we can do this kolam as both dotted or freehand, i'm tagging this as dotted (though you might've made this as freehand). Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Nice maa kolam with dark cols used padma...

P.Veni's picture

Lovely maakolam,padma

lakshmiraghu's picture

nice one padma looks differet....

vijaysowmya's picture

very nicely drawn maa kolam...beautiful lamps around your kolam...

nithyaashok's picture

Good work, Padma madam, though small, it is beautiful.

kameswari's picture

Nice maa kolam padmaji.

umaraja's picture

gud maakolam with adoring colors

rajamma_2's picture

Inspite of the background not helping the kolam , the beauty of the rangoli is not diminished. We appreciate ur enthu in sharing this with us.

anirudh's picture

good one with maavu and colors...keep sharing nomatter if pic taken in cellphone or any other Smile

Vinci's picture

Pretty design. The image quality is too good to enjoy its beauty.

jasree's picture

Cute maakolam with colour Padma.

subashini's picture

lovely cute maakolam.

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you all for your encouraging and sweet comments.

mahimasharma's picture


dibbutn's picture

Very pretty maakolam Padma maam, and the coloring is very good too.

smahalakshmi's picture

Nice maa kolam padma mam.


judelined's picture

nice attempt Padma - glad you took a picture and uploaded Smile

ArchanaTamilarasan's picture

Very Pretty work and easy also ..Thanks for sharing

ArchanaTamilarasan's picture

Very pretty .. Thanks for sharing!!