Sanskar Bharti Diwali Rangoli

sjnt's picture
About Sanskar Bharti Diwali Rangoli : PRINT

This is the sanskar bharti diwali rangoli put in front of my son - d.i.l's house in Mumbai. This was done by a proffessional.

Rangoli: Sanskar Bharti Diwali Rangoli


Lata's picture

Wow! Magnificent and amazingly beautiful!
Thank you to all three of you for sharing this here, Jayanthi. Smile

smahalakshmi's picture

Awesome Very beautiful SB rangoli.


jasree's picture

Very nice rangoli with bright colours. Thanx for sharing

viji_j86's picture

wow very pretty. bright colours lovely kolam.

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...thanks a lot jayanthy mam...i always wanted to see a rangoli done by a professional in our site to see what we can do to improve....thanks a lot for sharing such a beauty....btw how much did u pay them or was it done for free by some friend of ur son' let me know....

Vinci's picture

Amazing work.. Thanks for sharing a professional work with us..

Vinci's picture

Amazing work.. Thanks for sharing a professional's work with us..

jaanu's picture

superb work

vijaysowmya's picture

superb work....

Padma Prakash's picture

Superb and awesome kolam. Perfect symmetry and design. I liked the inner green shades. Lovely

lakshmiraghu's picture

Amazing work.. Very beautiful SB rangoli......

alameluranganath's picture

very much beautiful.

P.Veni's picture

Excellent work...

Sumathi.v's picture

Thank you jayanthi for uploading this master piece creation

sudhamani.ks's picture

Very very grand.very bright colors.Thanks for sharing .

madhuharini's picture

The curves are very beauty,nenjai alludhu.

deepa ram's picture

very beautifully drawn rangoli mam,looks perfectly fitting in this background and nice colour combo

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

execllent colour selection.Neat and beautiful

Pragaya's picture

Very beautifully done Rangoli. The touch of a professional can be seen. This must have been done by a Maharashtrian. Correct me if I am wrong. They excel in such free hand Rangolis. It will be amazing to see the ease with which they put rangoli.

The border design is done with the fist - by holding the rangoli powder in the fist (I think).

judelined's picture

amazing work Jayanthi - no need to tell it is done by an expert - this can be made out with the colours used and the style of drawing the curves - I love this one very much Smile

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Mesmerising! Dear