Diwali Rangoli Contest

sunvathi's picture
About Diwali Rangoli Contest : PRINT

This rangoli was done for Diwali... I used basic colours and shining powder(minch powder)...

Rangoli: Diwali Rangoli Contest


Vinci's picture

Nice Presentation. All the Best.

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely...all d best...

marees's picture

Looks cute .all the best.

rajamma_2's picture

Nice drawing and the cute words/ wishes

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

nice and simple

Sarasp's picture

looks like beautiful embroidery on Santa's socks Smile
All the best Smile

Padma Prakash's picture

Viry nice and artistic drawing of character (wishes). All d best

kameswari's picture

Beautiful artistic design. Colour combination is nice. All the best.

lakshmiraghu's picture

nice and simple all the best

sharkey batra's picture

luks cool!!!

GeeVee's picture

abstract it seems nice work !

vijaysowmya's picture

lovely rangoli....

hoove's picture

very innovative design

jasree's picture


jkmrao's picture

I see some flowers and a leaf and the wording. But I do not know what the red one is. It looks even like the socks of Santa Claus. Sorry, since I do not know what the whole thing is, I cannot fully appreciate it. Nice display, though. This year, I decided not to grade anyone. My dear friend, your enthusiasm and participation makes you already a winner in my opinion.

Regards! - mOhana

dibbutn's picture

Nice one, especially the diwali words have been done very well.

Pragaya's picture

Good rangoli. All the best.

dlz_31's picture

its really cool n innovative... best of luck!!!

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

nice all the best

Lata's picture

Are we already in December? Smile Looks like someone has been extra nice the whole year and is looking forward to receiving lot of gifts. I like the free flowing nature of your holly and the bell looks whimsical. Lovely red stocking with frills. In short, you've combined Diwali and Christmas! Beautiful thoughts and works too. Smile

Best wishes and thank you so much for participating in the contest. Smile

Rangoli contest 2010 results will be announced on November 20th at 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time (that will be November 21st 7:30am Indian Standard Time)

ushavenkatesh's picture

very nice.

smahalakshmi's picture

A very different one. Looks nice.


alameluranganath's picture

very nice one and gud one.

Vinci's picture

Congrats Sunvathi for submitting a cute rangoli for the contest. Do share your work with us frequently.