Hi Lata, i have uploaded a rangoli for the contest. But i dont know whether it is posted or not, can you please let me know whether the rangoli is created properly or not?
Hi Mrs.Varma, the contest rangolis are not published yet, since the deadline is still a few days away. We'll publish the entries right here in this site after a week, and you should be able to vote then.
Hi Ms.Shalini_Srivastava, I see four rangolis uploaded in your name, and I can't tell which one is for the contest (it doesn't specify so in any of the four files). I would request you to upload the one meant for the contest again with the word “contest” mentioned somewhere in the file (either the title or the description).
Hello Ms.Umanagarajan, the voting for the Marapachi contest got over before the Diwali season commenced.
Ms. Anu, we only disqualify entries which are NOT drawn by the participant (and also the ones copied from other sites).
This site is all about learning from the entries already posted/drawn by others, and also about sharing your own designs and your versions of others' designs as well. At ikolam, members feel happy when someone gets inspired by what they had drawn and posts it back into the site for all to enjoy.
Hi, lata mam i have uploaded my kolam for the contest .As you said i have mentioned the word contest in title but i could not know that whether it has reached you or not.
Hello lata mam i have uploaded my rangoli for Diwali contest but i am not able to view. Could you please check and let me know soon. So that i will do it again.
With Regards
Hi Sunvathi, you've uploaded a collage of 3 rangolis, reduced in size. Please try to upload just one bigger rangoli for the contest. The other two can be uploaded as regular uploads.
Dear Agilas, you'll be able to view your rangoli when it is published on the 15th. I think I should let you know that part of your rangoli appears cut off at the top. Feel free to upload a complete copy of the rangoli. The Dusshera rangoli image is very small.
Dear Marees and Umanagarajan, I don't see any uploads in your names, in the queue. Please try again.
Sorry to trouble you mam i have uploaded again mam. I have drawn this kolam specially for this contest mam thats y . If it is not uploaded everything becomes waste . please mam help me.
Hello Lata,
Can we upload rangoli done on floor in other medium (like poster colors, flowers) too? Or is the contest only for rangoli done in powder only? Pls clarify. Thks.
Dear Lataji,
Thank you for your prompt and beautiful reply.very mpressed with your reply.Awaiting to see my Krishnajee and Radhajee as mentioned by you.
Once again thank you,
Dr.Rekha shetty
Dear Marees, don't worry. Your image did not get uploaded so just send it to me as an attachment with an email. Please just call me Lata (not madam)
Hi Jyotsna, voting begins on Nov 15th (that's the day all the entries get published).
Hello Kitsfin, long time no see.
I'm not sure of what to say to you regarding including rangolis done using poster colors. In the past, a couple of our members had uploaded images that looked more or less like paintings hung on the wall (with frames removed). They could've been done sometime earlier, not exactly during the festival of Diwali. I guess we need to take a look at the work before we accept. Flowers are okay in rangolis. But, we do want to avoid the following mediums; software, embroidery materials, and paint (permanent painted rangolis). Go ahead and upload your rangoli. It does sound like a fresh “Diwali rangoli” to me.
Rani Is it you submitting kolam for contest? So Nice to hear, that you are into the contest overcoming your fearness. Don't worry as usual I'll be there for commenting (Guess I'm the only person spending time in others page rather in my own gallery he heee..) and voting.
Hi Umanagarajan, please try to upload again, since it didn't make it. Don't forget to click on "attach" after you select your image. And then click on "submit". The newcomers/new participants often forget to click on "attach" when trying to submit.
Yes lata . I have too done as you said after i click on attach button it goes on process and after it finishes the process then only i gave submit. but eventhough it does not gets uploaded still i have uploaded 4 times.
Oh Its you Maarees!! Glad you are back in ikolam for submission of your work. Long back you uploaded some kolams and vanished away. Why too busy in your work, couldn't see your comments for others work. Do take some time in penning down your views.. Bye.
Thank u lata....aahaa...imagining myself in that queen dress as in old movies....thanks for taking me to d dreamworld for a sec....haa...ha..ha...and yes vinci...after that lovely chat in fb yesterday...i started d rangoli and here was my daughter and mil to help me with filling d cols....with 3 of us itself it took 2 and a half hrs...imagine what if i had done it on my own...i wouldn't be alive to vote for my kolam itself....ha..ha..ha...sema iduppu vali.(back pain)...pa...and i must thank u from d bottom of my heart for d service u r doing here at ikolam...commenting on everyone's submission...he...he...(no...no...it is not intended to be a joke pa...)
Hi Rani, Etharkku peyar thaan Vanjaga Pugazhichiya..(I'm not sure how to put it in English, it means, Rani is trying to praise me on the other hand trying to tease)
Hi Marees, Good news pa.. All the best..
Oh no vinci dear....GOD PROMISE ...I am laying my hand on my head ...really...i mean it very seriously...one has to be so broadminded to just keep on commenting and commenting ...even i felt ashamed of myself when i was new to this site and enjoying other's work but didn't have d thought of wishing them just like uma, pragaya, sadana and sudha mam ...and many members.recently do on my kolams...thats what i meant...
Hello Rani, What is this? I expected a lighter comment but this is too sentimental he hee.. You should have quoted with my words "O Vinci is this called Vanjaga Pugazhchiya, Glad I learnt something today"
Hi Lata mam, i have uploaded my rangoli contest kolam today and as i could not get the dropdown menu like upload rangoli for contest i did use the options available,is it ok,will it be fine? r is it too late for submitting?
Dear Mam,
I have uploaded my rangoli but the attachment doesnt open whenever I try to do so.Pls confirm if my rangoli has been uploaded for the diwali contests or not.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Suhasini_sd, I think you missed to read the following post:
Once again, your rangoli is waiting in the queue, to be published tomorrow morning (15th for us in Cafifornia).
hi lata, i could upload my rangoli only now successfully....had some net problem and the file was getting corrupted. Hope you will accept my rangoli for the contest.
lata, await your comments on my rangoli, also i have tried my level best to upload the rangoli before 15th Nov 12.00 midnight, eagerly watiing to hear from you
Wed, 2010-11-03 22:34
Wonder whether I would find the time to take part - there is so much to do OMG
Sat, 2010-11-06 13:43
If you're uploading rangolis for the contest, please mention it either in the title, or in the description.
Mon, 2010-11-08 04:26
Hi Lata, i have uploaded a rangoli for the contest. But i dont know whether it is posted or not, can you please let me know whether the rangoli is created properly or not?
Mon, 2010-11-08 18:00
Dear Latha,
Kindly pls explain to me on how to vote the contest Kolams. Which site to go!!
Mon, 2010-11-08 18:03
Hi Mrs.Varma, the contest rangolis are not published yet, since the deadline is still a few days away. We'll publish the entries right here in this site after a week, and you should be able to vote then.
Nithya, I do see your pink rangoli.
Mon, 2010-11-08 19:52
I have uploaded rangoli for contest . Pls confirm the receipt
Mon, 2010-11-08 20:46
Mam please tell me how to vote for this marapachi contest.
Tue, 2010-11-09 00:29
I have uploaded a rangoli which I drew for this diwali. The design is from ikolam. Will it be disqualified?
Tue, 2010-11-09 08:24
Hi Ms.Shalini_Srivastava, I see four rangolis uploaded in your name, and I can't tell which one is for the contest (it doesn't specify so in any of the four files). I would request you to upload the one meant for the contest again with the word “contest” mentioned somewhere in the file (either the title or the description).
Hello Ms.Umanagarajan, the voting for the Marapachi contest got over before the Diwali season commenced.
Ms. Anu, we only disqualify entries which are NOT drawn by the participant (and also the ones copied from other sites).

This site is all about learning from the entries already posted/drawn by others, and also about sharing your own designs and your versions of others' designs as well. At ikolam, members feel happy when someone gets inspired by what they had drawn and posts it back into the site for all to enjoy.
Tue, 2010-11-09 19:00
Hi, lata mam i have uploaded my kolam for the contest .As you said i have mentioned the word contest in title but i could not know that whether it has reached you or not.
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Tue, 2010-11-09 19:59
Dear Madam,
i have uploaded my diwali rangoli for rangloli contest 2010. please confirm the same .
Tue, 2010-11-09 20:52
Hi Marees, I don't see any rangoli uploaded with your name, so I guess you need to try again.
Dr.Rekha Shetty, yes Krishanaji made it here safely. The couple will give darshan in a few days, along with others entries.
Tue, 2010-11-09 22:56
Mam do you receive my kolam mam
Wed, 2010-11-10 00:00
Mam I have uploaded my kolam again mam.
Wed, 2010-11-10 00:38
Hello lata mam i have uploaded my rangoli for Diwali contest but i am not able to view. Could you please check and let me know soon. So that i will do it again.
With Regards
Wed, 2010-11-10 06:06
Mam i have uploaded my picture for Diwali Rangoli contest but not able to find the pic.... So, plz check it out n let me know plz...
Wed, 2010-11-10 10:33
Hi Sunvathi, you've uploaded a collage of 3 rangolis, reduced in size. Please try to upload just one bigger rangoli for the contest. The other two can be uploaded as regular uploads.
Dear Agilas, you'll be able to view your rangoli when it is published on the 15th. I think I should let you know that part of your rangoli appears cut off at the top. Feel free to upload a complete copy of the rangoli. The Dusshera rangoli image is very small.
Dear Marees and Umanagarajan, I don't see any uploads in your names, in the queue. Please try again.
soumya narayanan
Wed, 2010-11-10 12:26
Hi Lata,
I just uploaded my rangoli for the contest.Please let me know if it is created properly?
Wed, 2010-11-10 12:58
Hi Soumya, I think the image didn't get attached. Be sure to click on the "attach" button after you select your rangoli image. And then "submit".
Wed, 2010-11-10 16:22
Yes, the Fireworks made it here safely.
soumya narayanan
Wed, 2010-11-10 16:22
Hi lata,
I uploaded the rangoli again.Please let me know if it is created properly?
Wed, 2010-11-10 16:25
I think I've already answered, Sowmya. Your starry fireworks image is in the queue.
Wed, 2010-11-10 21:27
Sorry to trouble you mam i have uploaded again mam. I have drawn this kolam specially for this contest mam thats y . If it is not uploaded everything becomes waste . please mam help me.
Wed, 2010-11-10 21:38
when the voting for rangoli contest will begin??
Wed, 2010-11-10 22:39
Hello Lata,
Can we upload rangoli done on floor in other medium (like poster colors, flowers) too? Or is the contest only for rangoli done in powder only? Pls clarify. Thks.
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Thu, 2010-11-11 03:03
Dear Lataji,
Thank you for your prompt and beautiful reply.very mpressed with your reply.Awaiting to see my Krishnajee and Radhajee as mentioned by you.
Once again thank you,
Dr.Rekha shetty
Fri, 2010-11-12 17:56
Dear Marees, don't worry. Your image did not get uploaded so just send it to me as an attachment with an email. Please just call me Lata (not madam)
Hi Jyotsna, voting begins on Nov 15th (that's the day all the entries get published).
Hello Kitsfin, long time no see.

I'm not sure of what to say to you regarding including rangolis done using poster colors. In the past, a couple of our members had uploaded images that looked more or less like paintings hung on the wall (with frames removed). They could've been done sometime earlier, not exactly during the festival of Diwali. I guess we need to take a look at the work before we accept. Flowers are okay in rangolis. But, we do want to avoid the following mediums; software, embroidery materials, and paint (permanent painted rangolis). Go ahead and upload your rangoli. It does sound like a fresh “Diwali rangoli” to me.
Fri, 2010-11-12 17:58
Hai latha...u have received my contest rangoli na...a small doubt ..as my net connection was not ok yesterday...
Fri, 2010-11-12 19:13
Got it, O queen! :0
Fri, 2010-11-12 19:24
Rani Is it you submitting kolam for contest? So Nice to hear, that you are into the contest overcoming your fearness. Don't worry as usual I'll be there for commenting (Guess I'm the only person spending time in others page rather in my own gallery he heee..) and voting.
Fri, 2010-11-12 19:26
dear lata I have sent it as attachments to your id please confirm me whether you have received or not.
Fri, 2010-11-12 19:30
good job vinci. All the best for voting .
Fri, 2010-11-12 19:48
dear lata,Do you receive my kolam for the contest?
Fri, 2010-11-12 20:11
Hi Umanagarajan, please try to upload again, since it didn't make it. Don't forget to click on "attach" after you select your image. And then click on "submit". The newcomers/new participants often forget to click on "attach" when trying to submit.
Fri, 2010-11-12 20:17
Yes lata . I have too done as you said after i click on attach button it goes on process and after it finishes the process then only i gave submit. but eventhough it does not gets uploaded still i have uploaded 4 times.
Fri, 2010-11-12 20:20
In that case, it is possible that your image is too big. Is it bigger than 2mb?
Fri, 2010-11-12 20:48
ok i will try it by converting
Fri, 2010-11-12 20:59
Oh Its you Maarees!! Glad you are back in ikolam for submission of your work. Long back you uploaded some kolams and vanished away. Why too busy in your work, couldn't see your comments for others work. Do take some time in penning down your views.. Bye.
Fri, 2010-11-12 21:06
Thank u lata....aahaa...imagining myself in that queen dress as in old movies....thanks for taking me to d dreamworld for a sec....haa...ha..ha...and yes vinci...after that lovely chat in fb yesterday...i started d rangoli and here was my daughter and mil to help me with filling d cols....with 3 of us itself it took 2 and a half hrs...imagine what if i had done it on my own...i wouldn't be alive to vote for my kolam itself....ha..ha..ha...sema iduppu vali.(back pain)...pa...and i must thank u from d bottom of my heart for d service u r doing here at ikolam...commenting on everyone's submission...he...he...(no...no...it is not intended to be a joke pa...)
Fri, 2010-11-12 21:17
hi vinci, little busy with diwali purchasing and in searching alliance thats y.
Fri, 2010-11-12 21:41
hi lata,Now you should have received my kolam right. sorry, I didnt notice the size of my picture.
Fri, 2010-11-12 21:45
Lata i have uploaded my kolam here.
Sat, 2010-11-13 02:25
Hi Rani, Etharkku peyar thaan Vanjaga Pugazhichiya..(I'm not sure how to put it in English, it means, Rani is trying to praise me on the other hand trying to tease)
Hi Marees, Good news pa.. All the best..
Sat, 2010-11-13 02:38
Oh no vinci dear....GOD PROMISE ...I am laying my hand on my head ...really...i mean it very seriously...one has to be so broadminded to just keep on commenting and commenting ...even i felt ashamed of myself when i was new to this site and enjoying other's work but didn't have d thought of wishing them just like uma, pragaya, sadana and sudha mam ...and many members.recently do on my kolams...thats what i meant...
Sat, 2010-11-13 04:15
Hello Rani, What is this? I expected a lighter comment but this is too sentimental he hee.. You should have quoted with my words "O Vinci is this called Vanjaga Pugazhchiya, Glad I learnt something today"
Sat, 2010-11-13 12:27
Hi Lata,
Thanks for the reply.
Sat, 2010-11-13 19:30
Participants, please read the following post:
deepa ram
Sun, 2010-11-14 06:18
Hi Lata mam, i have uploaded my rangoli contest kolam today and as i could not get the dropdown menu like upload rangoli for contest i did use the options available,is it ok,will it be fine? r is it too late for submitting?
Sun, 2010-11-14 08:57
The regular "upload rangoli" option works fine Deepa. We've yours.
Sun, 2010-11-14 11:46
Dear Mam,
I have uploaded my rangoli but the attachment doesnt open whenever I try to do so.Pls confirm if my rangoli has been uploaded for the diwali contests or not.
Thanks & Regards,
Sun, 2010-11-14 22:01
Dear Suhasini_sd, I think you missed to read the following post:
Once again, your rangoli is waiting in the queue, to be published tomorrow morning (15th for us in Cafifornia).
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Sun, 2010-11-14 22:39
Hi Lataji,
Thank you for the prompt reply .Sorry to trouble but like to ask Do you conduct the painting and craft competiotion too? .
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Mon, 2010-11-15 07:23
hai latha, have u recd my rangoli for the contest?
Mon, 2010-11-15 07:38
Dear Mam,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
Mon, 2010-11-15 20:04
Hi Mam,
iwant to know that how to upload rangoli for the cotest pls reply me soon
Mon, 2010-11-15 20:27
It is kind of late to upload for the contest.
You could use the "Upload", "Upload rangoli" tabs from the top menu to upload your rangoli.
Mon, 2010-11-15 22:09
No more entries are accepted for this rangoli contest.
Nalini Venkatesh
Mon, 2010-11-15 22:19
hi lata, i could upload my rangoli only now successfully....had some net problem and the file was getting corrupted. Hope you will accept my rangoli for the contest.
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Tue, 2010-11-16 00:40
Hi Lataji,
Thank you for the darshan of Krishnaji and Radaji along with Ganeshji and small krish.
Nalini Venkatesh
Tue, 2010-11-16 03:14
lata, await your comments on my rangoli, also i have tried my level best to upload the rangoli before 15th Nov 12.00 midnight, eagerly watiing to hear from you
Sat, 2010-11-20 18:00