
indira sundar's picture


kameswari's picture

Beautiful Indiraji.

vijaysowmya's picture

Very bright like a thousand watts bulb.....

ammuchandhini's picture

WOW ...Indira mam...I have no wods at all...such a neat kolam done so casually...d curvy lines r all so cute....very different design....

brindhanagesh's picture

Very very beautiful, the kolapodi and your fingers are dancing to your command!

P.Veni's picture

Very beautiful.. I like your neat strokes.

jasree's picture

Wow Indira. Such a beautiful kolam!!!!

jayamohan's picture

Looks like a square version of sanskar bharthi kolam! The corner designs look like coconuts! Iam just imagining the same design with double lined square!

malar anand's picture

very beautiful akka.

Vinci's picture

Dazzling beauty..I like your crispy strokes. Nice design too.. So your floor makes you to think of only square designs?

smahalakshmi's picture

Indra mam, very nice rangoli. Ur new design looks good.


indira sundar's picture

Thanks to Vinci, Maha, Malar, JAyaji, Jayanthi, Veni, Brindhaji, Rani, Sowmya, KAmeswari
No maam please...-Indira Sundar

judelined's picture

Exactly what I thought when I saw this kolam Jaya. If only you had coloured the base first and then drawn this kolam Indira - it would have been a unique SB kolam and a beauty too. Superb designing dear - try one out for me na??