navrathri golu contest

rajamma_2's picture
About navrathri golu contest : PRINT

Lata, since you have included the main photo I have sent, I enclose one more of the same golu
now .
Here is the first entry:

Rangoli: navrathri golu contest


Lata's picture

Baby Krishna looks so cute and busy too. Smile
(Since you've uploaded this picture late (right now), I had to publish it and give a link to your first entry in the description, and vice versa). Just letting you know the reason why both your submissions are not appearing next to each other. Smile

judelined's picture

Darling little Krishna - very very pretty doll Smile

viji_j86's picture

Is Krishna afrid of you since he steels vennai?

Vinci's picture

"Aayar Paadi Malligaiyil" song rings into my mind while viewing this kutti krishnan..

dibbutn's picture

Oh look at this cute Krishna.. seems like he is bathed in butter... very cute one Rajamma maam

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow cute krishna.......

malar anand's picture

kuty krishna is sooooooooo cute

ushavenkatesh's picture

kutti krishna is so cute

smahalakshmi's picture

Cute Kichu stealing butter???
