Mini golu

Sarasp's picture


Lata's picture

Happy Navrathri to you too Saras. Golu arrangement looks very nice. Pretty lotus rangoli and flowers border. I'm guessing the Shola Durga Maa is from your favorite city. Wink
For thamboolam, count on me. I'd love to come over. Please save a pinch of Thamboolam kumkum for me, because I'd like to collect it in person when I meet you. I'm not kidding. Smile

sjnt's picture

Simple and neat.

jaanu's picture

nice arrangement.. small and cute

ammuchandhini's picture

lovely arrangement saras.....and i loved ur lotus rangoli in d taambalam....

P.Veni's picture

Beautiful arrangement,saras.ungal alaippukku nandri...

smahalakshmi's picture

Dear Saras mam,

Your Golu arrangement is very nice and the small rangoli in tambalam is so cute. Thanks for your invitation.


sudhamani.ks's picture

Wish also happy navaratri.Your " Ambari elephant" is very cute.

sudhamani.ks's picture

I wish you also happy Navaratri .Your "Ambari elephant" is very Cute.

judelined's picture

Now you have tempted me to come over almost immediately, seeing this cute arrangement, but I have to wait until Wednesday Sad Sad I am sure each set of dolls has a story of its own which you are going to tell me when I come over - ok va??

Vinci's picture

Cute display. The maakolam and rangoli do mark their presence.

Sarasp's picture

Thank you all, n eagerly waiting to c u all on Wed' Smile
@ Lata - you are rite, Durga maa is from Kolkata'.. and ofcourse eagerly waiting for that day as well :):)

Priyankka's picture

decorations look beautiful.

indira sundar's picture

neat and sweet golu..-Indira Sundar