Free Hand kolam -5

Padma Prakash's picture
About Free Hand kolam -5 : PRINT

This is a free hand kolam done at 11pm as it was very boring. The floor colour was very light and hence I gave some colour effect. Hope you like it.

Rangoli: Free Hand kolam -5


anubalki's picture

Very beautiful design! Liked your color effect too ; )

ammuchandhini's picture

wow...raat ki raani...choron ka raja kaun hai...this is awesome padma....rajamma mam would adore this lavender effect....

Vinci's picture

Beautiful design and special effect do add the charm..

P.Veni's picture

very good design,padma.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Padma, what shall i say ? Please get bore more often so that we can see excellent kolams like this. Especially the effect is wonderful

rajamma_2's picture

Padma wonderful. white flower kolam on the lavander background..Super!
I would like you to see my oodhaapookolam and comment.

umaraja's picture

looks pleasing

dibbutn's picture

Padma maam awesome kolam. Love the lavender effect. As much as I enjoy your kolam, I request u to kindly take care of your health as well and have proper sleep dear....

indira sundar's picture

very nice design....-Indira Sundar

vijaysowmya's picture

nice kolam with a lavender background.......

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow@@lovely kolam ......beautiful design and strokes,,,,,,keep itup padma

brindhanagesh's picture

Very pretty kolam, Padma:) ( take care of your health)

jasree's picture

Very nice kolam with very good background

sjnt's picture

உள்ளம் கொள்ளை போகுதே......

sjnt's picture

வாங்க பத்மா. நீங்களும் midnite

sjnt's picture

வாங்க padma. நீங்களும் என்னைப்போல மிட்னைட் கோலத்துக்கு மாறிட்டீங்கள?

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you friends, for your sweet comments.

judelined's picture

Sun Music was famous for 'Midnight Masala' and now ikolam is getting famous for 'Midnight Kolams'. Super kolam Padma. You have done it very neatly and very good symmetry. The only mistake I can find is the top curl on the left outside border is going in the opposite direction from the rest Smile