
Padma Prakash's picture
About sikku-kolam : PRINT

This is a simple sikku kolam with dot count 6 to 6 and on all the sides 2-2. You can make out. Since it was a small one, I did little make up. Your views please.

Rangoli: sikku-kolam


P.Veni's picture

Very nice,padma..... i like ur border and lamps.

ammuchandhini's picture

beautiful one padma...after ur recent midnight kolams...nice to see a daylight kolam....

anubalki's picture

With little make up your kolam looks wonderful!

malar anand's picture

simple & super mam

Vinci's picture

Morning kolam in diya's light and night kolam in tubelight effect? Cute with your minimal make up..

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful one padma.......i like the lamps

rajamma_2's picture

Very neat and pretty kolam. the lamps add the beauty.

dibbutn's picture

Padma maam very cute kolam and cute makeup as well... the lamps are drawn very artistically and look good and add the extra punch to the kolam

sjnt's picture

Nice one with circles and semi circles. The lamp with lotus adds beauty padma.

anirudh's picture

pretty nice makeup Smile ...well executed

judelined's picture

Very well done and casually executed kolam Padma - interesting fillers Smile

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you Veni, RAni, Anu,Malar anand, Vinci, Lakshmi, Rajamma Mam, Pushpa, Anirudh and Judy.

vijaysowmya's picture

very nice one ......the borders have come out very well...

reguprema's picture

aptly added kaavi - esp. one below the deepam adds a tone of divinity ! beautiful Smile - Alarmelu Regu