Sangu Pushpam

jayamohan's picture
About Sangu Pushpam : PRINT

Name of the Kolam: Sanku Pushpam.

Dots: 21 to 11, interlaced.

4,3,2,1 on all 6 sides for lotus.

Medium used : Wet rice flour.

Jaya Mohan

Rangoli: Sangu Pushpam


brindhanagesh's picture

Very nice Kolam. Neat Finish. Jaya, I have never tried with wet flour.

Sarasp's picture


madhuharini's picture

the kolam way of presenting is new.very nice.

jayamohan's picture

Thank you all for the comments.
Actually I wanted to send it for the contest but uploaded to the wrong id!
However, I enjoyed all the entries of the contest.
Brinda, you are a rangoli expert! you can learn using the wet flour easily.

rajamma_2's picture

Jaya ,nice design and you have done a wonderful job with wet flour. If colored will be looking more beautiful.i like the dotted inner and outer ALANKARAm you have made.

Mrs Srividya Kumar Iyer's picture

wonderful work Smile

Mrs Srividya Kumar Iyer's picture

Wow mam really nice and also got a bit idea of coloring kolams in the outer border too. Nice kolam wow Smile