ammuchandhini's picture


Vinci's picture

Rani do you have a lamp stencil, I know you don't, Looks so perfect at all places.. A different pattern and looks very Pretty even with the missing top curves..

dibbutn's picture

Rani maam what a pretty kolam with the cute stencil of lamps... looks like one of those chinese huts Smile

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

very nice rani

jasree's picture

Ammu mam!!! Very beautiful kolam with cute lamps.

ammuchandhini's picture

aaha...vinci only now i realize d missing top curves....thanks anyway...,

ammuchandhini's picture

thanks vinci....ya its a lamp stencil only pa,..., thanks da push, sudha mam and jasree...

nithyaashok's picture

Rani madam, rumba nalla irukku, then what happended 2 /3 days, escaped anywhere? My copy kolam is ready, shall i upload it today? Give yr mobile number, i will call you today

ammuchandhini's picture

thanks da comp was not couldn.t log in for five days...i am ready with marees's kolam shall we upload it today...i shall call judy and let her know about this can i give my mobile no: here pa...ask lakshmiii for my mail id...then i shall definetely mail u and give my contact no...o.k va....

nithyaashok's picture

Oh, thank u rani mam, so iam uploading it today, ok-va

prathakarnik's picture

beautiful combinations of lines

ammuchandhini's picture

thanks da niths...check ur mail and thank u prathakarnik....

P.Veni's picture

Very pretty kavi kolam with lamps..

malar anand's picture

very nice mam. the outer design 'rajarajan meesai' ya ha ha haaa

vijaysowmya's picture

very very beautiful.......the outer curve looks very pretty....

brindhanagesh's picture

Nice design, Rani with the brightly lit up lamps.

Padma Prakash's picture

Very beautiful with kavi residue background. The kolam is looking reddish.

ammuchandhini's picture

aahaa malar...rajarajan meesai pathi teriyaadu but kattabomman meesai teriyum...adennaa ha ha haannu oru bayangara sirippu vera..., thanks veni, malar, vijaysowmya, brinda and padma...thanks again....

ushavenkatesh's picture

hai rani,beautiful design.lamp inside excellent.

viji_j86's picture

Aha, nice work dear.
Looks like koil gopuram..

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u usha mam and viji mam....

rajamma_2's picture

Cute kolpuram kolam. The inner lamps are lovely.

judelined's picture

The pyramids remind me of Egypt Rani - so thanks for the Egyptian kolam - very neatly done Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u rajamma mam and judy....

mahamaruthi's picture

Hello aunty......Very beautiful rangoli....i planned to put this rangoli on this friday

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u maha...and also let me know how it came.....

indira sundar's picture

Different but beautiful..-Indira Sundar

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u indra mam....

umaraja's picture

looks very divine,esply the diyas glow with a welcoming smile