collage in a frame

Padma Prakash's picture
About collage in a frame : PRINT

This is a collection of simple 5-3-1 daily sikku kolams. I did this using wet mavu. To make special I added a border for this. your views pls.

Rangoli: collage in a frame


ammuchandhini's picture

hai padma...ur classy border adds an extra charm to all d simple cute....

Vinci's picture

A lovely presentation with a cute border. Strokes are bold, neat and cute which is a pleaser to my eyes.

dibbutn's picture

Padma maam all the kolams are very pretty... what sort of a floor is that? cos I can see circular motion patterns on it...

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Hi padma, wonderful collections of small kolams. best for the beginners.

nithyaashok's picture

Wonderful sikku kolam.

P.Veni's picture

Lovely kolams with border.....

jasree's picture

Lovely sikku kolams. All are very cute & neat

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you all. Pushpa, the floor is made of cement. its the terrace. As the road in front of our house is under repair, I am not able to put kolams now in front of the gate until the work is completed. So on sunday, I tried this on the terrace.

vijaysowmya's picture

very nice and simple kolams..the borders are really cute....

brindhanagesh's picture

good collection of small chikku kolams.

malar anand's picture

simple kolams are neat & cute

ushavenkatesh's picture

very cute padma mam.

viji_j86's picture

best apartment kolams dear.

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you Vijaysowmya, Brinda, malar, usha and viji for your views.

rajamma_2's picture

Your maakkolams are becoming perfect nowadays! ur following Pushpa's path. Here the kolms or the border which is more beautiful I am not able to decide.

judelined's picture

Nice border Padma. I see what Rajam means.... Very cute little kolams - done neatly Smile

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you Rajamma Mam and Judy.

Sumathi.v's picture

very neatly done

subashini's picture

very nice collection

indira sundar's picture

Good sikku kolam collection-Indira Sundar