Sikku kolam - 35

P.Veni's picture
About Sikku kolam - 35 : PRINT

Hello Friends,This Sikku kolam drawn in front of my house.Dots - 21-1 .Views Please....

Rangoli: Sikku kolam - 35


ammuchandhini's picture

lovely as usual veni....doing a kolam more than 20 dots is like eating halwa for u....carry on carry on....

jasree's picture

Very nice & amazing!!!!

subashini's picture

lovely dotted kolam veni

rajamma_2's picture

Veni, inbetween Halwa, please serve us something else also.

P.Veni's picture

Thank you rani,jasree,subashini and rajamma mam...

lakshmiraghu's picture

veni ur chikku kolam looks very bright and beautiful..

anirudh's picture

pretty with more dots Smile 21 seems lot more for sikku for me....but feel the inner designs could be joined with the outer, so that they could be a continious sikku Smile

umaraja's picture

neat wk as usual

P.Veni's picture

Thank you uma,anirudh and lakshmi....

judelined's picture

One of your neatest presentations so far I think - excellent kolam Veni. Anirudh I will copy this and make the necessary attachments and give you a new kolam soon Smile