Peacock kolam

rajamma_2's picture


P.Veni's picture

Bright peacock kolam,mam.

ammuchandhini's picture

lovely peacock design rajamma mam...

jasree's picture

Nice peacocks with very good colour combination

subashini's picture

மயில்களெல்லாம் மிகவும் ஒயிலாக நடக்கின்றதை பார்க்க அவர்களுக்கு கொடுத்துவைக்க வில்லை .

jaanu's picture

As coloring was little zazzy, i think it dint get selected.
But good one

sjnt's picture

Unlucky readers.

sjnt's picture

Lucky ikolam members.

Vinci's picture

Color Packed Handsome Peacocks.. Is the dot count 9-5 or 7-4

Padma Prakash's picture

Beautiful and lovely kolam Rajamma Mam. Colour shadings are good.

umaraja's picture

ohh rajamma mam pls dont wory abt those tasteles magazine people,, ur kolam ever rokz as usual

brindhanagesh's picture

Parade of beautiful peacocks look lovely!

judelined's picture

Handsome peacocks dancing in a circle for ikolam members - thanks Rajam for this colourful kolam Smile