Advanced chikku kolams

judelined's picture
About Advanced chikku kolams : PRINT

This is another attractive kolam that I copied from Aval Vikatan. Dot count is visible in the kolam itself. This is a two line kolam and I have shown each line in a different colour for ease of reference. I chose pink and blue because I feel it is one of the best combination of colours.

Rangoli: Advanced chikku kolams


brindhanagesh's picture

I like this kolam very much for the colour combination and the neat and steady lines, Judy ! Of course the kolam itself is nice Smile

viji_j86's picture

Jude perfect lines. Very nice colour combination.
Kalakkal kolam yar.

ammuchandhini's picture

lovely judy...nice that u have differentiated both d lines in this neat...and those sky blue dots....hmmm so cute...

vyjayanthi's picture

that just beautiful, jude color combination prefect.

sreegiri's picture

nice kolam and nice color combination.

Vinci's picture

Attractive kolam with pink and blue combination.
Judy, when the porpotion of the design is altered, guess birds and fishes can be seen.. The above design looks bell to me, Sorry for disappointing your view..

P.Veni's picture

Wonderful with eye catching colours,judy

deepabibin's picture


Padma Prakash's picture

Lovely kolam judy. Colour combination, colour differentiation and symmetry all are outstanding. The four dancing fishes moving towards the centre are very attractive.

Dawn's picture

You're right. The color combination enhances the beauty of the kolam. A treat for the eyes.

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow!!amazing creation...

subashini's picture

I envy with your neat strokes and dots beautiful kolam and strokes, and color.

shobhapad's picture

Looks very beautiful.

Rajusree's picture

Very beautiful one. Nice pleasing colors. I'm answering the question u've asked me in my kolam. I always don't use rice flour. I have got kilos of kolapodi and Kaavi n Semman(redclay) from India. Only on special ocassions i use riceflour. I don't put kolams in my pavement, it's too small. Nowadays i put kolam in my car garage. So i don't think anybody will see that except people who come inside. Anyway thanks for encouraging me. I don't c ur comment in my varalakshmi vratham kolam. Expecting ur comments.

jayamohan's picture

Judy, I see fishes, birds and flowers in your kolam!

rajamma_2's picture

For me also it looks like a Bell kolam. The texture of the ezhai resembles that of wet maavudipped in color!

judelined's picture

Thank you Brindha, Viji, Rani (the differenciation is for the benefit of learners), Vyjayanthi, Sree, Vinci (what are you feeling sorry about dear - everything differs per person's view na??), Veni, Deepa, Padma, Dawn, Lakshmi, Suba (just make the strokes of the brush thinner dear and you too will have strokes like mine), Shoba, Padma (thanks for the detailed explanation as now I picture everything clearly - only so sad that no one gets to see your pretty creations, I am sorry I have not yet seen that kolam, which I will now and comment immediately), Jaya and Rajam for your sweet comments Smile's picture

Beautiful kolam and neat work too...................

ushavenkatesh's picture

hai judi beautiful and colour combination super

judelined's picture

Thank you Meena and Usha for your comments Smile

paarukutti's picture

nice one thanks ya
please keep it continuing

judelined's picture

Thanks Paaru Smile