Marriage Kolam

johnnaren's picture
About Marriage Kolam : PRINT

This is drawn by mother on my wedding. I have learnt drawing rangoli from my mom. She is good in drawing.

Rangoli: Marriage Kolam


Lata's picture

Welcome to ikolam! Smile

Wonderful wedding kolam! The use of grass and the kalash enhances the beauty further. Thank you for sharing your wedding kolam with all of us. And, please thank your mom on my behalf as well. Smile

nithyaashok's picture

Very nice, the colous used are very attractive, the mullaipari and the kutti pot looks beautiful!

ammuchandhini's picture

hai welcome...this is too good...d lamp design is unique...convey my wishes to ur mom...

brindhanagesh's picture

Beautiful kolam with lovely colours and the mulaipaarai also add beauty to this kolam. THe lamps also look nice. I am wondering, how did your mother get time to make kolam on your wedding. Convey my thanks for such a nice kolam:)

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

very nice and simple kolam the colours are too good and also the lovely creepers.

Padma Prakash's picture

Very cute kolam. the colour combination is very good and attractive. The grass kept on all the sides is looking very nice.

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful rangoli nice color combination grass gives rich look

jayamohan's picture

Your wedding kolam is very nicely done by your mother. Perhaps it is her urge that has grabbed the time to do it!

Rajusree's picture

Nice wedding kolam. The grass looks very attractive and enhances the beauty of this kolam.

judelined's picture

I can imagine your Mom's enthu in doing this kolam - very pretty colours and the grass enhances the beauty. Any special reason for the grass being placed there?? My best wishes to your Mom too...

sjnt's picture

Simple and nice.

rajamma_2's picture

this kolam shows your mother's love for you. The majentha color flower and the other decorations are very very nice.

jkmrao's picture

It is a novel idea. Nice pattern with beautiful colours. Has the seven petals any significance like saptapadi?

Regards! - mOhana

jkmrao's picture

Forgot to mention before, may your married life be long and happy!

Regards! - mOhana

Vinci's picture

Warm welcome to guest.

johnnaren's picture

Thanks a lot for ur comments. Myself and my mom are much happy on reading ur comments...