Pongal Kolam

brindhanagesh's picture
About Pongal Kolam : PRINT

Since there was a possibility of a rain (it actually drizzled a little)on 14 th morning, I made this Kolam inside the house.

Rangoli: Pongal Kolam


Lata's picture

Brindha, I missed "talking" to you yesterday, the kolam looks beautiful (as usual), you've a nice shadowy effect of your letters (due to the blue color).

brindhanagesh's picture

Hi Lata, Since I was busy with my daughter's departure to US, I was not able to log in for a few days.

Lata's picture

I understand, just wanted to let you know that you were in my thoughts yesterday, and will be Smile

brindhanagesh's picture

Thanks a lot Lata Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

Wow!!!! excellent one Bridha...

brindhanagesh's picture

Thank you Lakshmi

ramya's picture

Veeeeeeeeeeery beautiful Rangoli

brindhanagesh's picture

Thanks Ramya

hp_contest's picture

That is a very neat finish. Could anyone of you pls tell me how to get that dark finish while using color powder. Because I use it after mixing with that rough kolam powder, and it turns dull when i do that. Some mix sand I heard, but I dont think I can get sand everytime. So pls help me with your suggestions Smile I am very passionate about this art, with my late grandma's encouragement. I want to develop this skill of mine more n more. So pls help me on my doubt. Smile

Thank u,

brindhanagesh's picture

Very glad to meet people of similar interests. I wish you a nice time with this art. If you are mixing colour powder with Kola powder, simply add more colour powder while mixing, sprinkle a few drops of water and dry the powder in the shade. No need to add sand. You can use even food colour.
All the best in your endevour.

brintha's picture

very nice........colouring, design
ur rangolis are superrrrrr

adhvyth22's picture

Very good Rangoli.
What is the dots for this rangoli? Can you share?

rajamma_2's picture

fantastic kolam, Brindha! Is lotus your favourite?

Sarasp's picture

Simply awesome!!!


sanjyotha_sreerama's picture

Veru beautiful muggu. can you please tell me the dots for rangoli

sanjyotha_sreerama's picture

Very beautiful design. can you please tell me the dots for the rangoli.

ananyakapoor's picture

very nice and beautiful kolam. can u please tell me the dot count for this :star:

manjukesari's picture

Smile Smile Biggrin :bigsmile: Wink Blum 3 Fool Sad :~ Dirol :steve: J) :party:

Kalpana Gopinath's picture

Hi Brindha very nice kolam. Can u send me the plain kolam with out the colors, so that I can learn this kolam with dots