sikku kolam - sk2

Padma Prakash's picture
About sikku kolam - sk2 : PRINT

sikku kolam 6(2)-2 straight dots drawn on all the four sides and connected circularly at the centre.

Rangoli: sikku kolam - sk2


ammuchandhini's picture

nice sikku kolam padma mam...i can see some other kolams at d other side of d paper...i think...

judelined's picture

Yes Padma show us the other kolams too na?? This one is a lovely purple passion Smile

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you, Rani and judy. u both r right. There are some more kolams and I have already uploaded that. Plssssss Keeeeeeeeep Waiting.

brindhanagesh's picture

Lovely kolam, Padma:) See the observation power of Rani and Judy! Be careful, Padma:) (just kidding)

Sumaginger's picture

Thanks for posting such nice sikku kolam. Keep posting.

Vinci's picture

Like the centre portion.. the junction....
Next one Orange Blast a???

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you brinda, suma and vinci. yes vinci if uploaded, then the next one is Orange(Red) and green blast.

sjnt's picture

3 headed vilakku pola irukku. Good one.

lakshmiraghu's picture

padma it has come out very nice...let me try later

dibbutn's picture

Padma maam this chikku kolam is very nice

jkmrao's picture

Nice,but would like to see it done on the floor Smile

Regards! - mOhana

Rajusree's picture

Very nice chikku kolam with purple color. Can i ask u onething. Y no comments for my kolams lately? Is there any reason?

sreegiri's picture

nice sikku kolam,

P.Veni's picture

Lovely sikku kolam,padma.

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you Jayanthi, Lakshmi, Pushpa, Jkm sir, rajusree, sreegiri and veni for your sweet comments. Jkm sir, due to rain and time contraints I could not try out on the floor. I drew in the night on a aper just to share this with all. Like this I wrote 5 kolams and uploaded.

Lakshmi pls try on the floor. With your magic touch it looks extraordinary.

Sorry Rajusree, nothing like that. Some times I will be very busy and might not have seen the kolam. Generally I give comments for all if time permits. Sorry dear if I have hurt you. I will open your gallery and go through all ur kolams.

subashini's picture

Lovely sikku kolam,padma.

anirudh's picture

very nice, copied into my collections Smile

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you subhashini. Hi, Anirudh, hegiddira? Kushalave, Saukyave , Kshemave ? Nanu photoshop nalli rangoli design mAdodu kalibekalla. Hege munduvariyali? swalpa Dari Torsi. OK na.

admin's picture

Oh my! all those words sure do sound good...mind translating and teaching me please Padma. Smile
Lovely chiku kolam, and I would like to make this too.

rajamma_2's picture

Padma., lovely chikku kolam, peeping to the 4 designs. Me too want your floor kolams. Lata she is asking in Kannada'Anirudh, How are you? Happy and Healthy? I want to learn putting kolam in potoshop . Where to start? Please can you show me the way?'

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you Lata and Rajamma mam. Lata Rajamma mam fulfilled your wish before me. All experienced and Seniors are like this you know..... . They know mind reading. Hey na.. rajamma mam.

manivasuki62's picture

Nice sikku kolam in bright blue colour

Rajusree's picture

Thanks for ur reply.Nothing like that Padma maam. I was just curious to know that's why. No need to feel sorry for that.

Padma Prakash's picture

Thank you manivasuki and rajusree.