dotted kolams

subashini's picture
About dotted kolams : PRINT

first time I made collage work, and also kutti, 7 dot kolams.

Rangoli: dotted kolams


Lata's picture

Looks very beautiful! First attempt has turned out very nice. Smile

Rajusree's picture

Both the kolams have comeout very well Subashini maam with beautiful colors.

ammuchandhini's picture

very successful first attempt subashini mam...u r trying to explore in all regions in photoshop...carry on ...carry on....'s picture

Your first attempt is come out very well and it is very nice also.

subashini's picture

I mentioned that was my first attempt and got appreciation like L.K . G. student.Any way Thank you Latha, Rajusree, Rani and meena.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Both the kolams have comeout very well...

Padma Prakash's picture

Good attempt . Both are nice.

subashini's picture

Thank you lakshmi and padma madam.

dibbutn's picture

Subashini maam the kolams look very nice for a first attempt.. looking forward to more from u

sjnt's picture

Subhashini, step by step ellathileyum poondhu vilayaadareenga. Good to see.

rajamma_2's picture

Subashini kutti 7 dot kolams are very cute. collage is also come out well. color shading is beautiful. One doubt
why the dots in the first kolam have sprouts?

shobhapad's picture

Both of them have come out very well. Colour shading is very beautiful.

judelined's picture

Sabash Subashini - you have done an excellent job in making this collage and I am glad to see you back in action after such a long time. Hope you and Aparna are fine Smile

brindhanagesh's picture

The kolam, the colouring and collaging are nice, Subashini:) It is nice to see your creation after a long time. (Next time , the size of the dots can be reduced, i think).

subashini's picture

Thank you pushpa, jayanthi, rajamma(avasara kolam aLLitheLiththaarpolay) neengal kaylvipattadhillaya? sorry , summa sonnayn aduththavaati sari parthu vidugiren), jude(yes, jude, both are fine and hope so are you), and brindha(o.k. brindha, I will correct next time).

Vinci's picture

Kutti kolams are cute. The first flower kolam looks strawberrry to my eyes. Only to me?

subashini's picture

I like strawberry flavor If it looks like strawberry , I feel happy .thank you vinci for your comment.