Free hand Rangoli, ( For Management meet Program-3)

sanabi's picture


rajamma_2's picture

Your dream miles design is very beautiful. Nice to see the a man training the younger generation.

ammuchandhini's picture

hai...nice theme based rangolies u have submitted so far....

sanabi's picture

Thank u................

sreegiri's picture

nice work.

Padma Prakash's picture

Hai. its very nice. The message is also very god. Hope your dream has come true now? or still few more miles to go? Thank you

viji_j86's picture

Nice concept.
Is it stencil or freehanded?

sanabi's picture

Free hand

dibbutn's picture

Novel idea and nicely done

sanabi's picture

Thank u .................

alameluranganath's picture

very nice one. and gud onw.

alameluranganath's picture

very nice one. and gud one

brindhanagesh's picture

This shows you are very good in drawing as well as colouring! You have chosen good themes for all your kolams we have seen so far. Well done:)

sanabi's picture

Thank you mam

judelined's picture

Nice concept rangoli and very well executed Smile

sanabi's picture

Thank u .................

sanabi's picture

Thank u mam

jkmrao's picture

Great idea! I don't understand the relationship between distance and dream, though. Any way, I hope your dreams have been fulfilled and you're still dreaming Smile

Regards! - mOhana

sanabi's picture

Thank u Mohana madam...If u have any free hand drawing