
SuriK's picture
About Eggplant : PRINT

Here is my purple eggplant dotted rangoli. Hope you like it!

Rangoli: Eggplant


ammuchandhini's picture

hai kutty very cute as usual...d mild purple and pink colours r so pleasing...

judelined's picture

Surya this is such a lovely kolam. Again the brinjals are looking so inviting. Just the way and shape I like them for kara kozhambu. The skirt of the brinjal also looks fleshy and yummy. Slurrrrp !! You should have actually made a half flower with petals in that pink instead of that D shape which would have completed the entire kolam - the leaves, buds, flowers and the fruit. Don't you think so??

dibbutn's picture

Surya neatly colored and neatly drawn kolam dear

jkmrao's picture

Actually I like these Smile

Regards! - mOhana

diya's picture

nice job, Surya!!! Biggrin

lakshmiraghu's picture

surya what a lovely kolam i like it very much...

brindhanagesh's picture

Cute brinjal kolam, Surya:)

viji_j86's picture

hai kuttiponnu,
Very nice kolam.
neatly drawn and coloured.
Keep doing

rajamma_2's picture

Surya, nice brinjal rangoli. coloring is very nice.

umaraja's picture

cute work surya kuti