Brinjals for the Veggie patch

jkmrao's picture
About Brinjals for the Veggie patch : PRINT

Brinjal or the eggplant may perhaps be called the queen of all Indian vegetables. If one takes the average yield of all food crops (grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.) in weight for a given area of land, the yield for rice is only 70% of the average whereas the yield for brinjals is 200%! Next to China, India produces maximum amount of this crop. It is liked by one and all in India. It has curative properties for cholesterol reduction. Along with beans, eggplant is extremely good in reducing sugar levels for diabetic patients. If you're a diabetic you don't have to swallow the bitter bitter-gourd, but instead get the same desired effect with brinjals and beans. Try brinjal slices in pizza for a change! Here is a collage of brinjals for your pleasure. Enjoy!

Top left - Brinjal clowns (assmebly mine, but idea borrowed)
Top right - Brinjal squares
Bottom left - Beautiful brinjal flowers (look how the ends form a very nice pattern)
Bottom right - Head to tail arrangement of brinjals (two-dimensional model for anti-ferroelectric or anti-ferromagnetic compounds Smile

RegardS! - mOhana

Rangoli: Brinjals for the Veggie patch


ammuchandhini's picture

nice display of brinjals...

judelined's picture

Here comes one more person to tempt me - now you have left my mouth watering for brinjals (unfortulately I made shallot sambar today)... The most interesting pattern to me is the third one as all the dimensions in that kolam are very pretty. Thanks for the useful information that goes with the kolam too Smile

dibbutn's picture

JMK sir lovely arrangement ... the first pattern reminds me of an elf with a green hat and smiling face :)... loved the third pattern, neatly arranged to give a wonderful pattern.. this pattern will look so good as a earring

anirudh's picture

pretty clowns and the flowers....but my father does not like its less made.... Sad we make special request to mom for the masala filled brinjals to have with rice rotis (roTTis)

Lata's picture

I guess Mr.Rao was just clowning around with the eggplants. Smile
I'm glad your dad doesn't like brinjals Anirudh. I was the odd one out so far, in this site, for not liking them. Smile

jkmrao's picture

I think some very orthodox people don't eat brinjals. However, they too eat a particular type of brinjals with stripes. It seems some svAmIjI said they are okay Smile

Regards! - mOhana

jayamohan's picture

Lovely patterns esp., the third one!
Lata, I too was like you once but now Iam a big fan of சுட்ட கத்திரிக்காய் துவையல் and vaangi bath!

rajamma_2's picture

The brinjal clowns look cute, but I won't buy them since the dark eyes tell me there may be some worms inside.The other patterns are also very nice esp. the third one. A simple white dot on them gives the effect of" fresh from the garden'! The 4th one has a wavy effect.In our house also we like chutta kathrikka puli pachadi. made out of GUNDU kathrikkai!!

brindhanagesh's picture

Nice patterns, Mohanaji:) i like the first three patterns more and the forth pattern reminds me of the slates with beads which we were using during our childhood:)
It is also my favourite veggie.

Lata's picture

It's super cool, and I really like it.