Flower basket

indulatha's picture
About Flower basket : PRINT

This was created for a competition during Holi (2006) which was organized by the Hindi Samiti.

Rangoli: Flower basket


Lata's picture

Rango ka guldhastha bahoth khoob Indu!

jeyajeswanth's picture

simply superb Indu!

brindhanagesh's picture

Hi Latha
Nice roses with butterflies on it. neat work. the shape of the roses and leaves are very nice

rajamma_2's picture

nice to see a rare blue rose.

mahacool4ever's picture

how many dots plz send my mail plz mahacool4ever@ikolam.com

BharathiKRaman's picture

very beautiful and looks very natural. Is it free hand ?
lovely colour combination.