Decorated paper plate

sreegiri's picture
About Decorated paper plate : PRINT

This is a simple kolam. I have drawn this kolam with watercolor on the paper plate.

Rangoli: Decorated paper plate


Lata's picture

Colorful indeed! Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

nice design...

rajamma_2's picture

nice colorful plate. watercolor will not stay for long no?

judelined's picture

Nice way to decorate a plain paper plate Sree Smile

brindhanagesh's picture

colourful design for the plate:) You could have done it with acrylic colours which will stay for ever as a decorative piece Smile

indira sundar's picture

Very good........ thanks for sharing this,,, summer project is ready for Sreni....Lata, please upload ur kids projects for kidss........plsss..-Indira Sundar

Rajusree's picture

Very colorful and beautiful.

anantharajam's picture

great idea!!! thanks a lot for sharing.those who makes pookolam on water can use this as centre design--till paper plate floats on water.

alameluranganath's picture

very beautiful

jkmrao's picture

I like this very much. Very good design for plates and dishes.

Regards! - mOhana

sreegiri's picture

Thank you all for your comments. It is encouraging me to put more kolams and designs.

sreegiri's picture

Thanks to latha for publishing my kolams.

umaraja's picture

sree water colorslayae ivlo asathureenga, innum better colors try panna it may b superb