ammuchandhini's picture

hai this tomato kolam is for our vegetable garden...yr views pl...



Lata's picture

Bright colors and a rich texture! Is this really sand or something else Rani? Looks pretty. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

hai latha...thanks...this is just col kolam maavu with nicely seived sand...priyanka helped me a lot in seiving a full plate of sand...glad u liked it...

judelined's picture

Hey Rani - this looks like a bunch of juicy tomatoes.. Lovely colouring and extremely neat work. Good work Priyanka for helping too Smile

rajamma_2's picture

I thought it is a rare type of red brinjal( because of the green paavaadai it was wearing).

dibbutn's picture

Rani maam these are such lovely red hot tomatoes and neatly done by you

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u judy rajammaji and pushpa...

Rajusree's picture

Wow big big and bright tomatoes. The green color for calyx could hav been little brighter. (just an opinion). Excellent.

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u padma for ur views....

brindhanagesh's picture

This looks like Kolakata tomatoes, Rani Smile Very bright, fresh and juicy. (Most of the time we get tomatoes with its calyx in Kolkata).

jkmrao's picture

Good tomatoes. What is the purple colour doing at the centre? In fact, if you interchange the purple and the red, this can become a brinjal rangOli too Smile

Regards! - mOhana

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u brinda mam and jkm sir...interesting thought...jkm sir,...

anirudh's picture

wow...pretty bright red tomatoes...special hybrid version Smile ...nice ones...yes, i too agree with mOhanaji.

mvrajitha's picture

I think tomatoes are playing ring-a-ring tomatoes, very nice

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u anirudh and rajhitha mam...