
Madhangi Srinivasan's picture


Lata's picture

Welcome to ikolam! Smile

Your maakolam looks beautiful. I sure stepped in with a big smile and enjoyed it. Thanks for inviting us into your home and sharing your lovely art with all of us. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

hai welcome...beautiful maakolam...waiting to see more...

dibbutn's picture

Madhangi maam your msg sure brought a smile onto my face... tx for that and welcome to the ikolam family... your maakolam looks very pretty... would have liked a closer view though... anticipating more of your maakolams

Padma Prakash's picture

Maakolam is looking great. Your message "Step in" is ok for step in to your home and it is always with a smile.
but..................... if the same is applied on Kolam(step on) then naturally the smile disppears as the beauty of the kolam gets disturbed. What do you say Madhangi????

rajamma_2's picture

nice maa kolam Madhangi. U have wisely added 3/4 th of Seethakolam on all the 4 sides.Very beautiful

judelined's picture

Wow this looks nice and neat Madhangi - should have given us a chance to see it much closer Smile

alameluranganath's picture

romba azhaka irukku super maa kolam

gvidhya's picture

very grand maakolam.. very lovely mixed design...

jkmrao's picture

Good, would have liked to taste the main dish more Smile The floor colour is such that the red colour in the pattern is barely visible.

Regards! - mOhana

Rajusree's picture

Nic maakolam. Unique desing.

anirudh's picture

beautiful, thanks for the invite Smile

brindhanagesh's picture

Nice combination of two different padi kolams. How do you manage to make the kolam so close to the wall ? Btw do the padi kolams have particular name for each one? If anyone start the series that will help us to know more about padikolams. Smile