Parrot kolam's picture
About Parrot kolam : PRINT

This is a small kolam so iput in my house only.This is straight dots only.Lata mam please issue all my kolams.I am waiting to see it.

Rangoli: Parrot kolam


Rajusree's picture

Very pretty parrots n kolam.

lakshmi2000's picture

hi very beautiful how many dots

ammuchandhini's picture

hai meena very very cute parrot kolam nadu kuthuvilakku and suttiyum agal vilakku adds much charm to d kolam...

doctor's picture

good colour combination, it's very beautiful.the only request i have is..please do include the dot count next time you upload..thank you

alameluranganath's picture

beautiful one

nithyaashok's picture

your parrot looks pretty

ushavenkatesh's picture

lovely parrots with kuthu villakku meena mam

jkmrao's picture

This is really beautiful. I wish the picture were bigger!

Regards! - mOhana

Lata's picture

Very beautiful! We publish one rangoli per artist a day, most of the times. I can see that you have uploaded a few on the same day, but that doesn't mean all would get published the same day or even the same week. Protocols that got set a long time ago in ikolam, may not get changed. Smile

dibbutn's picture

Meena maam pretty kolam with neat strokes and apt coloring and nicely decorated with lamps.. pls state the dot count

gvidhya's picture

neat n lovely!!

anirudh's picture

lovely parrots and nicely colored.....i too have this design in my collections Smile ....but this is interlaced dots....count 11X6 or 13X7?'s picture

Yes anirudh ur correct the dot count for this kolam is 13-7 inbwteen dots..............

brindhanagesh's picture

Beautiful and nicely coloured parrot kolam. The colours give a velvety look.

indira sundar's picture

Beautiful and neat Meenaji..-Indira

sreegiri's picture

beautiful kolam.

Sumathi.v's picture

Cute and Neat

Sumathi.v's picture

Cute and Neat

judelined's picture

Lovely texture to the colouring Meena - very neatly done Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Meena, very cute parrot kolam. The beaks, eyes have come out very weel. On the whole a very neat and beautiful rangoloi.