One of my creations

brindhanagesh's picture
About One of my creations : PRINT

This is also made using metal tube and regular kola mavu.

Rangoli: One of my creations


sahana123's picture

Simple and Beautiful.

nithyaashok's picture


brindhanagesh's picture

Thank you Sahana and Nithya. I am happy that you liked it.

Jas's picture

Very Nice and beautiful kolams. I liked very much. I need more dotted kolams.

brindhanagesh's picture

Thank you Jas. I have uploaded my X'mas kolam today. Lata and family have gone on vacation I believe.

janasri1951's picture


brindhanagesh's picture

Thanks Janasri

completelawyer's picture

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: