meet kolam 2

sudhabalakrishnan's picture
About meet kolam 2 : PRINT

This kolam was drawn by myself and Lakshmi. This can also be given the name as Nee paadhi naa paadhi kolam, comments please.

Rangoli: meet kolam 2


ammuchandhini's picture

hai sudha mam and lakshmi...thanks for a visual treat...lovely sanskar bharathy rangoli...

nithyaashok's picture

what sudha mam! what a fantastic kolam, great, great, great!

anirudh's picture

Thanks Sudha. I was not having this rangoli as a whole pic in my share. we enjoyed watching this in real Smile

radpri's picture

wow cute, nice, fantastic, awesome, super, beautiful, words to say ..................

brindhanagesh's picture

Wow! what a visual treat Sudha! Hats off to both of You:) MIssing Lakshmi's kolam for a long time and this is the compliment for that Smile

jkmrao's picture

Very beautifully drawn, your patience and diligence must be appreciated. For such a grand rangOli, it is quite difficult to keep counts, is it not?

Regards! - mOhana

P.Veni's picture

very nice,neatly drawn.

ushavenkatesh's picture

hai sudha mam and lakshmi. nice treat . neatly drawn. hats off to you both.

dibbutn's picture

Sudha maam tx for sharing this wonderful kolam... this is done so so so very beautifully that my hands itch to try it out but I know I can never even think of attempting it cos it is so nicely done by both of you and it is out of my reach to try this wonderful work... Lakshmi maam where are u? we miss u and ur kolams

Rajusree's picture

Wow excellent kolam. I was waiting to c the kolam. I saw this already but couldn't see the details. Thanx for sharing this. Excellent one. One more can u pls upload the kolam drawn by that Ajji. It's already there but can't c the details.

alameluranganath's picture

very very beautiful and color ful one. superb color combination

Agilas's picture

Really its superb, i am speech less to say about your creation. Its fantastic. Good work keep it up.

Vasi's picture

Very very beautiful kolam & colouring.

indira sundar's picture

awesome Sudhaji.... Romba azhagu... paarthu... kannu padudda pogguthu...-Indira

judelined's picture

Sudha I am actually jealous of you - wonder when I can make one like this (sigh!!) - I just love those duck /peacock shaped frills going round and round - very very pretty. Well done Lakshmi and Sudha Smile