Flowers & Butterflies

chandy's picture
About Flowers & Butterflies : PRINT

Hope am not too late to become a member of your garden

Rangoli: Flowers & Butterflies


Lata's picture

Dainty butterflies. I would add this to the garden one of these days. Thank you for growing and sharing them Smile

doctor's picture


ammuchandhini's picture

hai small and sweet kolam...

alameluranganath's picture

small and beautiful nice rangoli

brindhanagesh's picture

Small cute kolam.

Rajusree's picture

Very pretty and sweet rangoli.

dibbutn's picture

Oh this is so cute and pretty with lovely pleasing colors

anirudh's picture

sooo simple and sweet.....cute little butterfiles

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

very very cuuuute flowera and butterflies too. very pretty rangoli

jkmrao's picture

Good work, why don't you crop it more so that the real figure can be bigger?

Regards! - mOhana

indira sundar's picture

pretty butterflies...-Indira

judelined's picture

A very cute and delicate kolam Smile