yeah judy durga can do double lines so neatly but one thing she says is she tries only rangolies no dotted kolam be it sikku or just any poo kolam....according to her it seems we shd'nt try sikku kolams at our brings so much sikkals in our life ...her explanation.....
Ammu maam regarding the chikku kolams that it brings chikkal in life, I hv something to say... long back I was doing a very big chikku kolam at my mom's place... an old lady admired my chikku kolam and said "do u know people who do chikku kolams with perfection actually can manage any chikkal that comes in their life like the way you meander the lines around the dots and avoid any chikka and make a perfect kolam".. I dont know what is true or what is not but I enjoy chikku kolams more than any other kolams... different stories different views whatever be it we enjoyed this kolam as well...
Well said Pushpa. I also like to put chikku kolam. It is real challenging.Keeping the dots correctly needs mathamatical brain, to have the dots kept in a proper design. There itself 50% symmetry is achieved.Its not only going around the dots, but in that process also we create new new designs well around the dots. The decorative borders also can be created with dots.Now I too find ways to color them also with lines inbetween.So our rangolam is ALL in one. Only If u start the chikku kolam without preparation or practice it leads u to problem.... just as in life u enter into problem if not well prepared .So practice well , put chikku kolam, achieve the desired effect and enjoy the satisfaction.Three cheers to chikku kolam!!! (All are welcome to express their views)
thanks pushpaji and rajammaji for more information, i am enjoying a lot by taking this challenge ....both of you have given me more confidence, preparation and practice wardsoff all the obstacles, thanks again.
Mon, 2010-05-17 02:01
rettavarai beautiful kolam.
Mon, 2010-05-17 04:50
hai bhaskari...lovely double stroked kolam...thanks for sharing..
Mon, 2010-05-17 06:05
Nice twin line kolam.
Mon, 2010-05-17 06:37
Nice double strokes
when will I master this
Mon, 2010-05-17 09:57
Nice kolam.
Mon, 2010-05-17 18:51
I think Durga is also a specialist in putting double lines in this manner - Rani correctaa?? This looks very neat:)
Mon, 2010-05-17 19:02
yeah judy durga can do double lines so neatly but one thing she says is she tries only rangolies no dotted kolam be it sikku or just any poo kolam....according to her it seems we shd'nt try sikku kolams at our brings so much sikkals in our life ...her explanation.....
Mon, 2010-05-17 22:45
nice double strokes in a dotted kolam.
ammuji, its interesting view from durgaji......but sikku kolams are definitely good exercise for the brain like mathematics problems
Mon, 2010-05-17 23:55
Ammu maam regarding the chikku kolams that it brings chikkal in life, I hv something to say... long back I was doing a very big chikku kolam at my mom's place... an old lady admired my chikku kolam and said "do u know people who do chikku kolams with perfection actually can manage any chikkal that comes in their life like the way you meander the lines around the dots and avoid any chikka and make a perfect kolam".. I dont know what is true or what is not but I enjoy chikku kolams more than any other kolams... different stories different views whatever be it we enjoyed this kolam as well...
Tue, 2010-05-18 03:06
Well said Pushpa. I also like to put chikku kolam. It is real challenging.Keeping the dots correctly needs mathamatical brain, to have the dots kept in a proper design. There itself 50% symmetry is achieved.Its not only going around the dots, but in that process also we create new new designs well around the dots. The decorative borders also can be created with dots.Now I too find ways to color them also with lines inbetween.So our rangolam is ALL in one. Only If u start the chikku kolam without preparation or practice it leads u to problem.... just as in life u enter into problem if not well prepared .So practice well , put chikku kolam, achieve the desired effect and enjoy the satisfaction.Three cheers to chikku kolam!!! (All are welcome to express their views)
Tue, 2010-05-18 08:54
Nice overlapped diamonds kolam very neat and simple
Tue, 2010-05-18 10:48
thanks pushpaji and rajammaji for more information, i am enjoying a lot by taking this challenge
....both of you have given me more confidence, preparation and practice wardsoff all the obstacles, thanks again.
Fri, 2010-05-21 07:42
Beautiful double-lined pattern!
Regards! - mOhana