
brindhanagesh's picture
About Jasmine : PRINT

Butterfly in jasmine garden. Finally I could create the Jasmine garden. Hope everyone will enjoy its fragrance.

Rangoli: Jasmine


Lata's picture

A nice cross between the pink and the white jasmines. Love the details around the leaves and in the butterfly.

ammuchandhini's picture

wow brinda mam such a lovely kolam...here my husband is insisting that this is a photoshop kolam as d designs are very intricate and also d shadings...i am having a tough time convincing him that its a hand made rangoli...brinda mam is such an expert in rangoli and all....thanks for a lovely design...

kalaishanmugham's picture

very very nice and beautiful.... that white and light violet flowers are wonderful...

gvidhya's picture

brinda.. kolam looks cho chuweettt.. lovly kolam

indulatha's picture

பட்டுப்பூச்சி பறந்து விடும் என்று பூ வேலி போட்டு வைத்து இருக்கிறாயா ?

anirudh's picture

wow soo sweet. jasmine baLLi is too good. I was also wondering how you would be making jasmine in rangoli, when you to reservered it ....and a bright beautiful butterfly is complimentary for us...thanks a lot for sharing this Brindhaji.

Vinci's picture

Enjoyed the Double treat with vibrant colors of butterfly and fragrance of jasmine visually.. When I saw your reservation for jasmine I speculated buds, but you have surprised me with flowers....

judelined's picture

Brindha you proved it again - you too are an expert in what you do - these jasmines are so beautiful that I can even get the smell from it - imagine the plight of that butterfly. Excellent shading and colouring fof the butterfly too Smile

jkmrao's picture

Very beautiful arrangement of jasmines and also the central butterfly.

Regards! - mOhana

ushavenkatesh's picture

lovely butterfly surrounded by jasmine flowers. thanks for sharing.

radpri's picture

very beautiful, lovly creation and nice work brindhji....

dibbutn's picture

Brindha maam I am speechless at this beauty... you excel in such things... lots to learn from people like u... fantabulous work maam

kalapriya's picture

Simply Superb !

toindhu's picture

This is such a lovely rangoli. Iam speechless.